There is magic in his music. Know how Guy J can entice people with...

  Guy J was an alien name for me years back. And so, was progressive music. But over the years, the frequency at which his tracks began popping up in...

Health risks associated with vaping e-cigarettes

Electronic cigarette (e-cigarettes or vapes) is a kind of electronic device that is used by heating the liquid that contains nicotine. The liquid then becomes vapor and stimulates the sensation...

Diary of a Slut

  Dear Horny Rascals, I’m going to die. Not because of you. It is a happy death. Because at last I’ve won. You might be worrying that this letter might get...

How this village in Arunachal Pradesh turned into a millionaire’s village overnight

Every family of a village in Arunachal Pradesh becomes Crorepati overnight Bomja, a small village in Arunachal Pradesh, under Tawang District, becomes one of the richest villages in Asia overnight. The...

Elon Musk and tales of his Giant Falcon Heavy

Falcon Heavy, the world’s most powerful rocket, which was launched on 6th February, brought in enormous buzz worldwide. The giant machine, designed by SpaceX, a United States’ based organization,...

Massive mistakes people commit in a relationship

“A true relationship happens between two imperfect people who refuse to give up on the other.” But oftentimes, the two imperfect persons hold their partners’ imperfections with such high...