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When you should dump him: Know the signs

Olivia was starving for love, like everyone on this earth, a lasting love. Contrary, the only kind of love she bumped into was “sickly.” Numerous relationships, endless promises, all fragile. While some wanted her for physical pleasure, some hung around for her money. There was barely any guy who committed her a lasting love, a future.

She wanted an oak-solid relationship, one that lasts until the appearance of her freckles and wrinkles. But every time she’s in a new relationship, she walks a few excess miles that she regrets later, every time. She does not know when to take the pause to evaluate the right and the wrong when to dump him when to step back and say “No.”

Holding tight to a toxic relationship

Olivia never had a good dating experience. Probably because she turned cynical after her “many” breakups. She was in her late 30s. A phase that is dicey- to choose the one who loves you or to choose the one whom you love. An age where every experiential relationship burns to ashes and firm bonding sees light.

But love or compassion stayed poles apart from her. For years she’d bad choices. She was tortured, assaulted, attacked, smashed, torn apart, yet she sat tight with her abusers. She believed that the bunch of nice, normal, successful, chivalrous guys coming out of the woodwork lost their way to her.

When you should dump him?

While most men that she encountered did not promise her commitment, there was this one man who wanted to be with her forever, but without marriage. Some sweet-confusing knot? Absolutely not!

He seems to be the front runner. He’s cute, responsible, exciting, but not the future that she can fantasize. So, should she dump him and hunt for a new man?

Knowing when to dump a guy is crucial as it can literally save you years of wasted time on the wrong men. Have you ever thought about how much time you have spent on guys that you knew were NOT going to become your partners for life?

Never again.

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