Men will never entirely act the way you want them to because they are men. They may seem easy going, running after you, and even desperately wanting you. But they are not easy to understand. If women are considered complicated, men are the superlatives of it. Unlike women, men don’t open up their thoughts. They like preserving their emotions.
A woman may possess all the attributes of a “perfect life partner,” an amazing catch for any man, but when it comes to getting a picture of her man, she will, at some point, fail to discern his needs and wants.
Check out the mysterious facts and pick the most to impress your favorite man, whether online or offline.
1. Let him speak:
Men are good pretenders. They will never displease you if you ask them how you looked at his friend’s party or decide your favorite holiday destination instead of his’. Understand his mediocrity. Do not ask. Let him speak. Men don’t like clingy women. Inhale confidence, let him compliment you.
2. Enhance your profile:
I read somewhere that “Men don’t read profiles. They just check photos.” Men do read profiles and it’s not just about photographs. Intensify your skills. Because a profile consisting an enormous number of adjectives, hobbies, or self-praises barely attract an alpha man. On the other hand, an aesthetic profile with core adjectives, specifics, with the presence of humor will attract more quality men than the ones judging with photos.
3. Accept his flaws:
Do not be a complain box. He may love you as a woman but your lack of accepting his flaws and poking for every lock stock and barrel, nevertheless, will shun him off from you eventually.

4. Respect his needs:
Men love smart, strong, and successful women. They also want their needs to matter as well. Love isn’t a one-way street. Both the parties have to anticipate each other’s emotions. Men too want someone to take care of them, understand their needs, feed their egos, and complement their masculinity.

5. Peep up your brain:
Man gravitates towards confidence, self-awareness, intelligence, sex appeal, kindness, and specificity. A woman’s beauty can be a variegated affair when teamed with a skillfully crafted brain. Instead of a girl with disguised attributes, a woman possessing these traits will win more hearts.

6. Beauty rules the world:
Beauty provokes a different kind of radiance. Well, that doesn’t mean you have to own a very fair skin or be drop dead gorgeous. He doesn’t often judge beauty by the parameter of your skin color or the length of your skirt. Inner brightness attracts. But no, you do not look good with your obese stomach. Chubby is cute but being obese is unattractive and ugly. Ditch your daily dose of fast foods and groom yourself with a healthy diet and proper exercises.

7. Build your personality:
You may be amused to know that men do look for certain traits in a woman, from physical appearance to inner aspects. They do notice your chapped fingernails, your worn-out shoes during a They do notice your mismatched color and choice of dress. In fact, they notice everything. Be careful while picking your choice (only if you want to impress him) and never forget to wear a good fragrance. Remember, men are attracted to good smells.
8. Gulp some classiness and culture:
Men love classy and cultured women. While they may hang out with myriad numbers, they will take home only the finely stuffed ones. A half-nude dress may not excite him but a well- cultured lady with her behavior definitely will steal his heart.

9. Tame your emotions:
Hate, revenge, reprisals, jealousy, envy, and selfishness often pushes a person down into the drain of degradation. Cultivate positivism. Be a lady of wits and wisdom than hatching evil plots to win them. Men love humorous women.

10. Two to tango:
The two things man care about are- Are you sexy? Are you fun to be around? While women have a catalog of wants and needs about her dream man, men ask for two things. If they really want to sleep with you, or if they feel good about themselves when they are around you.

Men do value intelligence and beauty but they also crave for certain things which they can’t get from their business associates- warmth, affection, and thoughtfulness. So, you know what to do next!