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For busy people: Easy and effective hacks to stay healthy


stay healthy ways

Sedentary lifestyle, hustling schedules, and the race to stand tall among other competitions has disturbed numerous lives. Competitions have killed the world’s sleep and eating habits more than an outbreak. Lack of time is a major account why people buckle under unhealthy eating and sleeping patterns. As a result, prevalence rates for the number of ailments and afflictions have increased rapidly.

The body achieves what the mind believes. Thus, it is essential to watch out both the mind and the body in order to maintain the balance.

Highlighted below are some of the easy and effective ways that will help one engage in a healthy state, physically as well as mentally.

  1. Exercise it out:

    Man doing exercise
    Source: BBC

    Engaging in physical exercise is a great way to eliminate toxins from the body. Besides toning the muscles and tissues, regular exercise also helps in the release of the brain’s reward chemicals, the ones necessary to enhance one’s state of mind.

  2. Cut off the intake of caffeine

    no to coffeeThe widely used mood-altering drug in the world, caffeine, when consumed in moderate proportion can yield a number of health benefits. Unlikely, heavy intake, more than 500-600 mg of caffeine a day, on the other hand, can lead to health issues like insomnia, nervousness, irritability, an upset stomach, restlessness, aggravated anxiety, and muscle tremors.

  3. Switch to chamomile tea

    Source: Medical news

    Chamomile tea possesses a number of health benefits. The beverage is stacked with antioxidants that cut risks of life-threatening diseases like cancer and diseases of the heart. Additionally, chamomile tea treats sleep disorders, promotes digestion, better skin, controls blood sugar, boosts immune health, as well as helps one to relieve from mental clutters like anxiety and depression.

  4. Expose to sunlight:

    woman exposed to sunlight Vitamine D

    From regulating the level of insulin to maintaining cardiovascular and lung health, Vitamin D plays numerous roles in keeping the body hale. Exposing to sunlight, at least 15-minutes every day can also help in breaking-free from stress

  5. Listen to good music

    woman listen to good music

    Music has the ability to influence one’s mental and physical state. The American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) announced music therapy as a therapeutic and effective means to combat problems of the mind. Distinguished philosophers like Plato, Confucius, and the kings and monarchs pronounced music as an effectual medium to heal aggravating conditions of their mind.

  6. Replace your regular cup with green tea

    green tea cup of green tea green tea benefits
    Source: Prehab

    Green tea has been known as an effective agent to treat issues of the stomach, skin, and brain. Besides, green tea also helps to curb blood pressure and drop an escalating heart rate. Amino acid or L-theanine present in green tea is an important agent required to abate stress and anxiety.

  7. Yoga and meditation:

    woman doing yoga
    Source: Woman fitness org

    Accepted since ancient times, yoga, and meditation are powerful antidotes for a healthy body and mind. Pranayama (breathing techniques), asana (body postures), meditation, and the ancient yoga philosophy, has strengthened millions of people with positivism and a new perspective on life.

It is not always possible to maintain a healthy diet. In such, balancing with alternatives can work wonder as well. Keeping alongside ditching smoking and drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day, sleep is an important factor to grasp while considering one’s health.

Albeit there are numerous ways to stay healthy, practicing a few simple and basic steps can prove beneficial in retaining one’s health in the long run. So, which are you going to adopt? Let us know in the comment section below.

Also, don’t forget to share this article in your circle.

You may also like to check out Asanas For Weight Loss.

Things to do when you are in Guwahati


Every time someone plans a trip, Google stands as the ultimate guide to extract the essence of a place. But beneath the thick suggestions and plate full of recommendations, it often becomes a bemusing plight to settle with the final to-do list.

While some travel to explore the culture of a place, some travel to shop, to capture stories, for thrilling adventures, to experience the varied recipes, and more. From exploring culture and ethnicity to grabbing exclusive arts and artifacts, here is a complete guide list that one can pick for an all-around trip while in Guwahati.

  •  Of mythical essence

    Guwahati is more than Kamakhya temple and Kalakhetra. Straddled on both sides of the Brahmaputra, Guwahati possesses a trail of engaging events for its guests. Apart from witnessing the mystic Kamakhya temple visit, one can plan a visit to the Madan Kamdev temple located around Gorchuk. Known for its archaeological ruins, the place is surrounded by a number of sculptures and other related parts of the medieval era.

  •  For some cozy time amidst nature

    Take a stroll along Deepor Beel and capture the jovial birds chirping happiness. Chandubi is another fine spot to relish your spirit. About 56km from the city, Chandubi is an idyllic getaway to take a trip of the countryside breeze. Besides engaging in camping or indulging in ethnic cuisines, one can also take a stroll to the nearby village. (Quick tip: Get an inhabitant and ask him/her to guide you to the hills. It’s a fine trekking area as well.)

  • Where to hang out in the evening

    Evenings in Guwahati are packed with beverages, starters, and music to gear for the night. The city owns a number of beautifully crafted cafes like 11th Avenue, Mocha, The Corner Café, The Zouq, and Café Brew Bakes that will sure leave its guests jam-packed throughout the evening.

  • Specialty beverages

    Tea is not just a beverage but an emotion for Indians. And when it comes to visiting Assam, how can one check out without taking a reinvigorating sip of Assam tea? Guwahati has a number of tea stops that not only pour aromatic saga but also speak volumes about the intact of its flavors. 11th Avenue, Tea Story, and Kesariya Chaiwala has the best stories to tell its guests. Chaiwala galli of Fancy Bazaar is another essential stop one must not forget to check out during their visit.

  • Where to shop

    Guwahati offers a range of shopping corners as per one’s needs and preferences. Fancy Bazaar, the popular commercial hub of the city, offers one with a range of options to bargain. The quite-well-organized market has numerous crowded alleys that takes one to the wholesale stops of apparels, stationaries, footwears, handloom, brass utensils, fruits, and more. Additionally, Central mall, Pantaloons, Roodraksh, Sohum Shoppe, Sohum Emporia, and Hub on the other end, gives one the privilege to revel with the numerous brands.

  • Nightlife in Guwahati

    Guwahati brims with some of the coolest clubs, bars, and pubs. Café Hendrix, Terra Mayaa, Sanghai Salsa, Sura Vie, Bulls & Beers, Urban Mantra are some of the finest ones that not only entertain its visitors with great food and drinks but also with music of different genres. The only glitch that lies in this structure of Guwahati is that nightlife in Guwahati lasts only till 10 pm. So make sure to order sufficient before the counter gets closed.

  • Knock for flavors

    The number of ethnic restaurants dwelling here abounds with traditional flavors. For quick chicken or pork bites, one can opt for Raja Mircha and Gogoi Pork, while locating Naga food court, Heritage Khorikaa, Missing kitchen, and Manipuri Hotels for a heavy meal.

Location of the places:

  • 11th Avenue: Dighalipukhuri and Rajgarh
  • Mocha: Anil Plaza, Christian Basti
  • The Corner Café: Uzan Bazaar
  • The Zouq: Beltola
  • Café Brew Bakes: Six mile
  • Tea Story: Uzan Bazaar
  • Kesariya Chaiwala: Chandmari
  • Central mall: Christian Basti and Zoo Road
  • Pantaloons: Lachit Nagar, Adabari, Inside Roodraksh Mall, and Dispur
  • Roodraksh: Bhangagarh
  • Sohum Shoppe: Christian Basti
  • Sohum Emporia: ABC, G.S. Road
  • Hub: Bhangagarh
  • Café Hendrix: Dispur
  • Terra Mayaa: Anil Plaza, G.S. Road
  • Sanghai Salsa: Zoo-Narengi Road
  • Sura Vie: Bhangagarh
  • Bulls & Beers: G.S. Road
  • Urban Mantra: Khanapara
  • Raja Mircha: Both the outlets in Rukmini Gaon
  • Gogoi Pork: Dispur Supermarket
  • Naga Food court: Opposite to Panbazaar Police Station
  • Heritage Khorikaa: Goswami Service Station
  • Missing kitchen: Hengrabari Road,
  • Manipuri hotels: Ulubari. There are about 5-8 Manipuri rice hotels located in the Arya Hospital lane.

Help share this information in your circle. Also feel free to mail us with your queries at [email protected]


Health Issues That Can Affect Your Oral Health


oral health, girl smiling, dental issue

Our overall and oral health is tightly connected, even if it may not seem so. Both can affect the other, whether it be positively or negatively. To lead a healthy, fulfilling life, we must take care of not only our body but also our mouth! Contacting your dentist for more information regarding different health issues you have and their effects on your oral health can help you get your health back on track and have you feeling better than ever before.

Acid reflux

Acid reflux, also known as Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, can have detrimental effects on our dental health.  It is a condition which entails stomach acids travelling up the oesophagus (throat), sometimes ending in the mouth. These acids can be dangerous, and in extreme cases, can even lead to oesophageal cancer.

Within the confines of the mouth, acid reflux could lead to tooth erosion as well as periodontal issues.

After being diagnosed with acid reflux, patients should follow their physician’s advice and instructions when it comes to controlling their stomach acid. In many cases, medical professionals will recommend avoiding citrus or acidic foods like tomatoes, raw onions, chocolate, alcohol, and coffee. If the condition is particularly severe and your dental health is suffering, a physician may also prescribe medication to get your reflux under control, decreasing the amount of acid produced in excess.

Stomach ulcers

Health professionals previously believed that stomach ulcers were only the direct result of an overproduction of stomach acid, which destroyed the stomach’s walls. Previous treatment for ulcers entailed only controlling the amount of acid produced.

But recently, researchers discovered that certain bacteria in the mouth, caused by poor dental hygiene, may actually lead to stomach ulcers. The bacteria believed to play a role in stomach ulcer production are common among individuals with infected gum tissue.

Therefore, it is crucial to take care of our dental health to avoid any further, seemingly unrelated health conditions. Destructive bacteria that forms in the mouth can spread across the body and harm our well-being.

Chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease is a hard condition to live with on its own, paired with chronic dental issues such as cavities or gum disease; it only gets harder. As another infection grows in your mouth, your body will have to take and use some of its valuable resources towards fighting the dental disease, instead of working to improve the status of your kidneys. While fighting off additional dental disease, you may end up in the hospital more often than normal since your immune system is impaired.

Patients with kidney disease on dialysis may receive blood-thinning medications to prevent clotting. But this can pose problems during dental surgeries and make getting dental work more dangerous.


Diabetes is another medical condition that can wreak havoc on our smiles and general dental health. Diabetics are 3 to 4 times more likely to develop periodontal disease in their lifetimes. Periodontal disease is when various bacteria severely infect the gum tissue.

Diabetes, especially when undetected, can cause persistent bad breath resulting in low self-confidence.

If you have diabetes and notice that your gums are red, swollen, and sore to the touch, inform your dentist in Milton Keynes right away. They will schedule an emergency check up to see if you have gum disease. Should you, in fact, have periodontal disease, your dentist will create a treatment plan with your kidney disease in mind. In most cases, complex surgeries will be avoided as much as possible, and certainly when the patient is on dialysis.

High blood pressure

High blood pressure and related cardiovascular diseases have a strong connection with periodontal disease. When the gum tissue is inflamed, the blood vessels thicken and are filled with plaque, effectively decreasing your blood flow.

A decreased blood flow, along with high blood pressure, dramatically increases your risk of heart attack and stroke.

If you have any medical conditions, tell your dentist at your check-up so your medical records can be updated. Armoured with your complete medical history, your dentist can make informed decisions about your future treatment plans as well as look for any developing issues. 

Guest Post by Susan Louisa

A tale of victory over depression



After an arduous four years battle with depression, he finally got estranged from its claws. Numerous relapses and a mulish addiction to alcohol, brought him miseries that he could barely imagine in his wildest dreams.

“Depression strolls in one’s life begging for its existence. Once it senses any hint of odd, uncovers its majestic form, under different highs and lows.” He said.

An abusive father, bad companions, and maltreatment in school made the ground of depression fertile for him. He was one of those, who would suppress his emotions and cover his thoughts, no matter how devastating they are.

In the beginning, he was totally clueless about the series of unwanted events happening with him. Craving for high-calorie food, sleep issues, increased argument with his girlfriend, feeling numb and hazy every time, became his regular routine.

After much contemplation, he could match signs with depression. Spaced out, he decided to disclose the matter to his parents. But his surprise jumped in amusement when his dad brought him a Brainolia (a kind of memory enhancing syrup) while his mom massaged his scalp with Navratna oil (a soothing ayurvedic hair oil).

Finally, seeking a psychologist was his only choice left. He was prescribed with antidepressants. For four years he soaked in antidepressants, with higher doses every week.

A conversation about his struggle with prolonged depression

As he says, “Depression is all about self-esteem. We have a monitor in our mind. When we do good, it feels good and when something bad happens, it feels bad. But once you learn to distinguish between good and bad, learn to stand for yourself, that self-esteem gradually builds up.”

Q: How was depression, your old friend?
A: I broke up with her now. There are times when she didn’t let me sleep for days. That phase was horrible but it taught me many things.

Q: How did it all end?
A: I was drained, both mentally and physically. Depression had taken away my health, sleep, and my life completely. And antidepressants, they deteriorated the situation more. Around 4 am, one day, I was lying in bed and staring at the ceiling. Out of sheer frustration, I walked out of my home. Kept walking, heedlessly. After few hours, I felt good. And then, there’s no stopping since then.

Q: Did you get hook on to any sort of drugs?
A: Yes, I was an extensively into alcohol and marijuana. In one instance, I drank a full raw bottle of whisky, with a hope to gain some sleep. But woke up with wide eyes within two hours. However, I am all clean now.

Q: Did you experience any suicidal ideation?
A: I felt total numbness but there were no suicidal thoughts. Also, I was not afraid to die. It was like let things happen their way.

Q: How were your parents and friends? Did they support you?
A: My parents and siblings were quite supportive, unlike my friends. When I discussed my condition with my friends, they lend a hand with alcohol. They were just waiting for me to get well. When I was recovering, still battling, they influenced me toward alcohol, once again. Further, relapse knocked.

Overcoming depression

After the fourth cup of coffee, he put forth some of the important practices he followed that helped him in his battle. Below are some of them:

  • Journaling helps a lot. I jot down all my good, bad, and ugly feelings. These anecdotes now help me in making music.
  •  Stay away from bad influence and from any sort of drugs. Eventually, you will fall into the trap of addiction, further depreciating things more.
  • Avoid narcissistic people. Learn about narcissism and co-dependency.
  • Avoid any kind of spiritual modality. You will likely fall prey to these. Be VERY CAREFUL.
  •  Exercise is a must. You will feel lethargic, not want to even think of it. This is a very slow process. It took me a year. But exercising augmented my thought process and helped in enhancing my self-worth. I started loving my life.
  • Self-counseling helps. I treat myself as a child. I ask questions, about things that hurt me, why did I feel bad about something that the other person had said, is it good? Is it bad? Then I come to the climax.
  • Know that you cannot please everyone. Society is a huge problem. Prejudices like you are too good to revert to an elderly person’s (wrong) views, would subsequently want you to restore their faith in you.

There have been numerous times when he was raped, mentally. After four years of living in absolute darkness, Ankit finally defeated his demons. He is now happy to embrace the scars left by his kick-boxing practices than by those dreadful four years.

Struggle of distinguishing depression

The word “depression” is powerful enough to frighten anyone. In a world with more than 300 million people struggling with depression, only a handful of them dares to speak up about their mental status. And others? They suffer in the shadows of misery, despondency, and ultimately seek suicide as their final destination.

Camouflaged by societal stigma, prejudices, and indifference, people battling with depression or any other mental clutter could barely distinguish their problems or seek professional guidance.

There are people who may not even realize the signs and intensity of depression and in turn, can fall in the vicious cycle of drug or alcohol addiction. Thus, it’s imperative to know and understand the signs before it is too late.


Editor’s Take: We will update an article on the signs and symptoms of depression in our health section soon.

Also, don’t forget to share this article. Help us reach this story to others in need.

Italian Artist Creates Improbable Art From Everyday Objects


These impossible, rather improbable photographs of an Italian artist would, nevertheless irk one, make them wonder, reconsider, or probably bewitch them to scroll for the next.

Artist and photographer, Giuseppe Colarusso’s bizarre series of artwork titled, Unlikely, depict off-the-wall envisions of his mind. He weaves fantastic, singular, and strange fictive in each of his art. His peculiar, rather curiously fabricated pieces would, beyond doubt, trigger inquisitiveness to its viewer.

As the artist says, he trusts each of his pictures and they would definitely influence one to stop, stare, and ideally, bring smile on one’s face. Oh! Obviously worth it right?

Check out some of his amazing arts.

unusual things, Giuseppe Colarusso


unusual things, Giuseppe Colarusso


unusual things, Giuseppe Colarusso


unusual things, Giuseppe Colarusso

Who needs this?unusual things, Giuseppe Colarusso


unusual things, Giuseppe Colarusso


unusual things, Giuseppe Colarusso


unusual things, Giuseppe Colarusso


Giuseppe Colarusso Giuseppe Colarusso


Giuseppe Colarusso

Looks like a visual interpretation of Painful Death.

Giuseppe Colarusso

Can you imagine an ice candle?

unusual things, Giuseppe Colarusso

Oh that’s an enormous penne.

unusual things, Giuseppe Colarusso


unusual things, Giuseppe Colarusso

Marry me?

unusual things, Giuseppe Colarusso


unusual things, Giuseppe Colarusso


unusual things, Giuseppe Colarusso

Whaaaat!? 😮
unusual things, Giuseppe Colarusso


You can also check out rest of his works in his website.

Like this article? Don’t forget to share it among your friends.

Selfly- The phone case drone


Selfly is a phone case that works as a drone. Precisely, the 8-megapixel selfie drone is piloted with one’s phone and works as an extension for the phone camera. The Detachable Flying Camera has been designed for aerial self-portraits and can be controlled via Wi-Fi. Selfly captures high-resolution photographs and full HD video at 30fps and sends them directly to the device for sharing.

Founder and CEO, Dr. Hagay Klein quoted that the app will have onscreen control sticks as well as automatic piloting options to get specific shots. The app is developed as an open source so that others can also develop for it.

Whoa! Now you can get all your favorite captures without many hassles. The chic device is affordable and can fit elegantly in your pocket. Let us give you few more reasons to embrace the comfy device in your pocket:

Drones are not made to carry around
Selfly is a phone-case

Drones are complicated to fly
Selfly actually flies itself, you don’t need to fly it!

All smart drones cost 500$+
Selfly, by utilizing the cell-phone processor hits 100$

selfly phone drone
Get your hands on the smart device and tempt people to do the talking. But before that let us roll you through some epic features and specifications of the gadget:

– Folds into a 10mm thin phone case
– 13 MP camera, 1080p/60fps
– Fits every 4-6” smartphone
– Replaceable battery
– Compatible with both Android and iOS
– Wi-Fi controlled
– 1st pilot view
– Autonomous hovering

Craziest places to party in Guwahati for New year 2020


2020 is round the corner and how beautiful would it be to welcome in a grandeur manner. The party epicenter of Northeast India, Guwahati, has witnessed a rapid progression in the past few years in terms of food, fashion, nightlife, or lifestyle. The launch of numerous cafes, pubs, restaurants, and bars gives one a comfy space to celebrate. From offering special discounts to unlimited drinks, Guwahati has never failed to amaze its people and lure them out of the home to grace those parties.

People here love to toast to every important day, which subsequently made the eateries and pubs here to relatively engage themselves to make those days special. However, it is finally the season of celebration and how joyful it would be for the nightclubs to host their guests with engaging activities every time. From treating one with the tastiest beers, sumptuous food, groovy DJs, and a cozy nightlife, Guwahati is all buckled up to thrill its guests with awe.

Here’s a handpicked list of 5 best places for you to hop around in Guwahati:

  1. Nuts and Brew:

    nuts and brew The quirky ambiance, delectable food, and groovy music is a perfect ingredient to welcome the new year. Yes, you got it right! Two stages, one venue, and six artists are all geared up to thrill you with their beats. Bring together your partners or come as a couple and celebrate the evening.

nuts and brew

  • Venue: Nuts and Brew, 3rd Floor & Rooftop, Novotel Galleria, Opp. Down Town Hospital, Guwahati
  • Time: 7 pm onwards.
  • Entry: IMFL Package– Stag: 3000 AI, Couple: 5000 AI FL Package- Stag: 5000 AI, Couple: 8000 AI
  • Bookings: 6901267854, 7002218274
  1. Taika Lounge and Bar:

    taika lounge and barLocated in the affluent sphere of Guwahati, Taika Lounge and Bar is the sums of all your new year party bafflement. A new entrance to the nightlife of Guwahati, this place holds in abundance the charm to entice its guests. Cherish a new year evening in its beautifully decorated space highlighting a Persian theme while you groove to the beats of your favorite music.

taika lounge and bar

  • Venue:1st Floor, Bibekananda Complex, ABC, opp Rajiv Bhawan
  • Time: 6 pm onwards
  • Entry: Unlimited Package: 3450/- couple, 2350/- stage, 1650/- girls A-la-carte: 1500/- couple, 1000/- stag, 500/- girls
  • Booking:8723083177, 6001631348
  1. The Whiskey:

    the whiskeyLocated above Central Mall, The Whiskey is a cozy and vibrant space that’s known for its exclusive choice in food, music, and interiors. An exclusive party vibe has set the lounge in excitement. To celebrate the new year’s eve, the lounge has planned an exhilarating party with appetizing starters and drinks.

the whiskey

  • Venue:191 Exotica Greens, 6th Floor, 604, North Block, R G Baruah Road
  • Time: Free walk-in for all till 8:30 pm.
  • Entry: Girls free entry!!! Rs.2000 (cover charge, fully redeemable with the bill)
  • Booking– 7578910263
  1. Hotel Palacio and NYX:

    NYX, hotel palacioNYX is not quite an unknown name for partygoers in Guwahati. Loved by many and cherished by Guwahati, this place has hosted some of the grandest and exclusive parties over time. However, this year, the hotel has organized two venues to host its guests. While Harmony Banquet is for family get-togethers with kids, NYX is more for a hard-core party lover.

For Harmony

  • Venue: Hotel Palacio, G.S. Road, Opp. Farm Gate, Khanapara
  • Time: 7pm – 12am
  • Entry: 3000/- couple, 2500/- Stag (Includes unlimited starters, 2 complimentary drinks, gala dinner). Kids below 8 years free
  • Booking:9508555554, 9508555558


  • Venue: Hotel Palacio, G.S. Road, Opp. Farm Gate, Khanapara
  • Time: 7pm – 12am
  • Entry: 6000/- couple, 4500/- stag (includes unlimited starters and drinks)
  • Booking:9508555554, 9508555558
  1. Underdoggs Sports Bar and Grill

    underdoggsProviding a wide-space thronged with amusement for a sports lover, this trendy bar is located in Christian Basti, Guwahati. From offering a lavish surrounding to tickling one’s party senses, this is an apt place for youngsters, sports lover, foodie, and party freaks. Shivoham the Bollywood band from Mumbai is all geared up to enthrall the crowd for the NYE.


  • Venue: Central Mall, GS Road, Christian Basti
  • Time: 8 pm onwards
  • Entry: —
  • Booking:9864176636, 9954977862

Besides these, there are a number of other places in Guwahati hosting equally trendiest and striking new year parties. Xtreme Sports Bar and Grill, Brooklyn Blues, Bulls and Beers, Keiko Ultra Lounge, Madiza Ultra Lounge are to name a few. Explore, Hop, drink, eat, merry and make memories. But hey, don’t forget to share your experiences with these crazy places.


Lavazza- Redefining the aroma of Guwahati


Lavazza coffee

A coffee mug is something that always stands on my desk, irrespective of whether I am at home or at my workplace. I wasn’t a coffee fanatic until the caffeine rush hit me during my finals one day. And since then, it has been my favorite choice of beverage.

Growing café culture of Guwahati

While Guwahati is blooming in the different spheres of trade, communication, and lifestyle, advancement in its sub-categories, too is rising rapidly. In the last two-three years, Guwahati witnessed a massive growth of cafes, restaurants, and hotels. But often it is disheartening to discover that behind those gracefully crafted cafes, its visitors could barely track down a good cup of coffee. Only a spattering of cafes like 11th Avenue, Kalita Café, or Café brew bakes tends to serve an aromatic cup.

In the quest to procure a pure cup of caffeine, oftentimes, people here, dive into a puddle of pesticides and chemically preserved coffee. I realized that the veil draped by instant coffee is hard to tear when my mother complained about the freshly grounded coffee packet that I brought from Nagaland. To my horror, she said she had replaced the packet with a Nescafe jar.

An aromatic entrant in the city

lavazza Coffee workshop

Beyond the flawed practices like brewing coffee in boiling water or drinking plain premixes, Guwahati brewed a neat aroma on 24th May. Lavazza, since 2008, has been cultivating better coffee brewing culture in India. Consequently, with a brisk upsurge in café trends in Northeast India, the company hosted its first-of-kind coffee workshops in Guwahati and Shillong.

Baristas, chefs, café owners, and coffee fanatics from the eight states, are connected to brew an impeccable essence in the region. It was rewarding.

Abdul sahid khan
Coffee connoisseur, Mr. Abdul Sahid Khan

Coffee connoisseur and Training Manager of Lavazza, Mr. Abdul Sahid Khan, adroitly persuaded the participants to brew luscious aromas all over Northeast. He narrated how by playing with different techniques, procedures, and equipment, one can experiment and invent recipes of their own. Besides guiding to attain flawless shots of espresso, he also demonstrated frothing milk and supervised latte art.

Cooking with chemicals

Coffee Cavier, prepared using the molecular gastronomy method

Among those numerous coffee recipes that he exhibited, what thrilled me the most was the molecular gastronomy technique. A concoction of my curiosity and fate mingled with astonishment when I ate espresso. Coffee Cavier is an exclusive recipe of Lavazza. It is prepared by converting liquid to a solidified state. This process is done using calcium chloride with alginate.

Spoon of cavier
When I ate espresso

The workshop was a pure indulgence of bliss and contentment, in particular. This workshop was a much-needed grasp for the region that believes in pouring a fantastic cup of coffee.

About Lavazza

Ruling for the last 120 years, Lavazza is one of the biggest manufacturers of coffee products from Italy. The company combines coffees from different parts of the world. These are then harvested, processed, mixed, and roasted to create several different and balanced blends, as well as satisfy the coffee-tooth of every fanatic.

Here are some of the pictures from the Guwahati as well as from the Shillong session.

lavazza workshop lavazza workshop lavazza workshop Lavazza workshop in Guwahati

Lavazza workshop in Guwahati
Participants from different states of Northeast India

lavazza workshop

Note: If you are in Northeast India and wish to get hold of some finely roasted beans of Lavazza, you can ping Jyoti Brothers (Jyotishman: +91 9864311100) or Sumon Bora (Area Sales Manager: +91 9707639828).

Also, feel free to knock us for any queries or questions related to coffee/coffee making. Until then, like this article and don’t forget to share it in your circle.

Glamor of the hills- Meghalaya


The morning beams that penetrated through the gauzy curtains interrupted my dreams. It was late morning when I woke up. Although I was never a morning person, hectic job schedule and demand to maintain punctuality in office compelled me to dispose off my late-night routine.

And thus, weekends became my savior. I would sleep my heart out, keeping myself aloof from all the earthly pleasures. I would always ward-off the plans for joining someone for coffee, hanging out for parties or shopping, or mingling for a weekend getaway with friends with my lame excuses.

Likewise, it was another weekend of my life. I made a cup of hot chocolate, and augmented the tempo of my newly bought JBL Bluetooth speakers. Life would have been such a comfortable bed without any responsibilities, I wondered, trying to warble the Spanish lyrics of Despacito.

The phone’s beep depressed the sound of the song.

“Pack your bags; we are leaving at 6 pm,” Prasanta texted.

And before could I write my excuse text, he interrupted with another one.

“Don’t take it as a request. Because I am not going to listen to any of your post- menstrual mood flicks. Get ready; I am coming to pick you in an hour. Biswajit and Sarvanu will join us too.”

It was around 6.30 in the evening when we headed to, well, we did not have a map to Cherrapunjee or Dawki, so Meghalaya would be precise.

Meghalaya, as they say, is all about floating in abode of clouds. As we waved goodbye to Guwahati, a dark night, stirred with a blanket of mist and grey glimpses enveloped us in no time. Although I had been to this peppy paradise before, the experiences are vastly different on each call. Remarkably, every time I pick a trip to this paradise, I grab a story along with me.

It was late November. The roads were inundated with fog. Visibility of the surrounding dimmed with each rotation of the car’s tires. A little later we realized how terribly the clouds had convoluted us.

Prasanta uttered, “When confusion strikes, go left!” Unable to decide which way to take, we decided to pick the road less traveled.

Prasanta, deciding which way to take.

It was late midnight, around 2 o’ clock. Subsequently, we got the picture of a grey blanket of fog that had covered us, completely. Even the white divider line that we were following, became indiscernible.

The fog became denser with each passing moment. After much contemplation, we grasped that there was no way to surpass the thick mantle as one could barely see the other person or object standing near them.

Biswajit stopped the car. Everyone got down. It was a No Human Land where the hills came alive with its giant spells.

The sight of an indistinct light at a distant, landed us to an eerie-looking house at the cliff of a majestic hill. Being an ardent fan of horror movies, stroked me to envisage how the house carried every trait of an eerie scene. Dimmed lights, indistinct chirps of birds, drops of water tripping at a vessel from the roof, four torn-out couches at the veranda, a dog loitering around and sniffing, reminded me of psycho killers of the Wrong Turn movies.

Anxiety started knocking us, brutally. Before long could we wait for any of us to get hit with a panic attack, we rushed to our car. Although it was difficult and risky to drive with such hazy visuals, nevertheless, Biswajit decided to take the risk as it was a better option than getting our heads chopped and bodies minced.

After driving for nearly three hours, we saw some lodges, lights, and heard voices of people working. That was a huge heave of sigh for all. Biswajit halted the car and we decided to rest our weary eyes for some time.

I woke up at Sarvanu’s boisterous voice, “Yaay! We are finally in Dawki.”

It was an absolute respite for all. While Biswajit and Prasanta yearned for few minutes of rest, Sarvanu decided to get tea for us.

Morning tea at Dawki

The latter part of the day followed with a series of amusing adventures, capturing breathtaking views, gobbling with traditional delicacies and street food, and more. This was one of my wildest adventurous trip that snarled in my memoir cozily, until date.

Below are some of the snaps from the rest of our journey.


Meghalaya Dawki

Meghalaya Dawki

Dawki meghalaya

Meghalaya Dawki

Meghalaya Dawki

Meghalaya Dawki

Editor’s call: Do you have an adventurous story to tell? Write to us at [email protected].

The Boy With a Rainbow Heart


Gay, LGBT, Guwahati


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Amid the dark alleys and illuminated cities, there is a section of folk trapped in the woes of prejudices, humiliation, and stigma. They are often interrogated with bizarre curiosities, gawked at their appearance and gestures, judged for carrying themselves uniquely, and particularly, for not matching rhythms with the general public. Yes, I am talking about the LGBTQ community.

“The presence of the third gender has numerous evidence throughout history. Significant books like Kamasutra or the Rig Veda holds accounts on such, yet people of the present day do not want to accept us.” Romi muttered with a long sigh.

As I take my second bite of paratha, Annie ba (Romi’s sister) narrated how ruthlessly passerby rebuke or look down upon at her brother, as if he were an alien. She, despite knowing about her brother’s interest in makeup, dolls, and pink, acknowledges his preferences and treasure his needs wholeheartedly.

Gay, LGBT, Guwahati, romi

Unlike his peers, who confine themselves to certain limitations in regard to their sexuality, Chow Poran J. Gogoi, also known as Romi, despise leading a pretentious life.

“My life holds a series of unfortunate events interlaced by melancholy.” As he talked in detail about others from his niche, I didn’t lose the chance to learn in-depth about his life, about this life- often unheard, secretive, and full of mystery and myths.

Here is the not-so-quick question set that he replied without any hesitation.

A very basic question, when did you first realize that you are a gay?

I never realized or had this idea that I was different from the rest. It is a feeling that was given to me by this society. According to them, I did not fit in their shoes. For them, I was neither a straight man nor a straight woman.

Precisely, during my growing stage, I felt an inclination toward my feminine side more. I felt I am trapped in a wrong body. Things were very indistinct. I was in class 9 or 10 when the internet came in Guwahati. After I researched numerous websites, finally found out that I am different from others or probably others are different from me.

How was the struggle during those initial times?

It was like fighting with your own self. You have an inner feeling that constantly tells you that you are normal and absolutely all right. But then when you have to prove yourself or act a certain way to make others happy, a perpetual battle between your own psyche and existence drink you down entirely. It was such a depressing phase. It broke me completely. I even tried to kill myself. I would just do anything to be invisible.

My parents’ demise, on the other hand, compounded more fuel to the flames. When people ask me about my happy moments from childhood, I literally have to think. It’s a phase that I don’t want to recall.

Gay men are often projected or considered hyper-sexual. Is it true?

Gay men are more visible. Men, compared to a woman, are much more active, sexually. While heterosexuals celebrate their sexuality openly, gay men do not have the same liberty. They have to put the kibosh on their desires and wants. Thus, in an attempt to convey their feelings, they often end up being perceived as sexual connotation by others.

How is the scenario in Guwahati?

We have a very strong community in Guwahati but not everyone wants to come out. Some are open, some are not. We even gather for get together to share our spaces. Gay men from different background attend these meetings, talk about their issues, and discuss about creating awareness among general public.

What happens in such gatherings?

Gatherings like these are mostly about empowering this community with emotional support. People talk about their feelings and celebrate this life. Here, the members of LGBTQ break all restrains and connect to their own self.

Do straight men approach you?

Oh, very much. *giggles* Almost 98% of men who had flirted with me, are straight men. Maybe because they consider me a girl or probably find me trustworthy. I enjoy those attention very much. *laughs*

Have you tried making out with a girl? How did it go?

Well, yes. I did this social experiment when I was 18. She said it will be fun. After the initial step, it became difficult for me to hold on to it and we dropped the idea halfway.

Why do gay men talk or act with gestures that are too much feminine?  Are there any rules that gays have to act in a certain way? Is it attention seeking? Or is it some sort of practice?

This is no rule, practice, or attention seeking. Not all, but some gay men feel that their body is very fragile and soft. Even if they speak or move, it will be very rhythmic and soft. They are way too soft. That’s extreme girly and happens naturally, mostly with gay men who are overmuch in touch with their feminine side.

I have seen that most makeup artists or fashion designers who are gay are loud, rebellious, and emphatic. Why is it so?

Initially, I was vulnerable and angry, made both jaded and wary by my solitary life. But with time, I have learned to depress and ignore those mocks and taunts. But some gay men are fed up with regular suppression and ridicules. Eventually, they become boisterous and loud and are laced with profanity. They don’t give a damn. If they like someone, they will profess, no matter how obscene it appears to the other person.

Some are being patient, waiting for a miracle to happen whereas some have accepted the fact that no miracle is going to happen. Society is never going to change so they should be as bad to them as they are.

How helpful is Assam Government toward the LGBT community?

*Laughs* Assam government doesn’t even have a freaking clue about LGBT. There is no help from the government. They don’t know about LGBTQ. The pride rally that happens every year, is nothing less than a joke for them. And louse Assamese media, for the sake of creating a sensational news, would bombard with obnoxious questions like “What are you doing? Why are you parading? What are all these masks and makeups about? Oh, these guys want their rights.”

That’s it.

Ever given a chance, will you prefer a sex change operation?

There are numerous risks associated with such surgeries. And even if you get your sex change operation done, you won’t be considered a woman. You will be considered a trans woman, leading to only a fistful of men approaching you for marriage.

Sex change operation is something that not every gay men desires. It is a personal choice. I would not want to opt for sex change. I am happy with my body. But kudos to the ones who dare to take such risks.

What kind of remarks do you receive from people while stepping out of home?

People stare at me, every time. And staring is something I can’t stand. I even tried putting on the beard, still, people stare. Even when I am not putting makeup or wearing my pink skirt with a pink pouch, people gawk at me.

There was a time when I badly wanted to be popular, wanted to be seen, wanted people to know me. But now, I literally want to be invisible.

How do you respond to people’s curiosities?

Oftentimes, people ask me how it feels like being a gay. I say I feel like a mutant, I feel fantastic. People are so much curious to know what I do in bed, how I do it. People even ask me how I perform in bed. It was so uncomfortable when in an interview I was asked how sexual intercourse takes place between two men.

Would you like to mention a humiliating moment of your life?

I was called to judge a fashion show. As always, I was dressed up in a flamboyant manner. While the other two judges were duly felicitated, I was overlooked. They forgot to felicitate me, and I was standing there for nearly 20 minutes. Then later, they are like “Oh we have one more judge with us.” It was such humiliating for me. Had I not been open about my sexuality, I would have got the same amount of respect as the rest. Such things, when they occur at the initial stages of one’s career, breaks their self-esteem completely.

Gays are often assumed as predators of sex. Can you explain this why?

If people see a girl and a boy holding hands or kissing in public, they will let it fall between the cracks. But in cases of gays or transgenders, if people find them holding hands, they will create a huge ruckus.

If I like a guy and try to pass a comment or flirt with him, like any other human, it is so normal for me. I was only trying to make a connection. Trying to tell him that look at me, I am interested in you. But to the other person, it appears as if I am approaching him for sex. At times, when I compliment a guy that he’s cute or hot, he’ll be like “How dare you to call me hot.” But if a girl says that, he will take it as a compliment.

Do you think people’s mindset toward this community has changed over the years?

Things have rather turned sour with time, largely due to its grotty projection and people’s ignorance. Gay men are frequently being exhibited in the Indian entertainment industry as a travesty. Whenever there’s a funny, hilarious, or embarrassing moment, gays are being placed with a funny background music. We were never projected in a respectable manner. People think gay men are nothing but an object of ridicule or mockery.

What do you expect from the government?

Create more awareness about LGBTQ. If the government start speaking about it, the mass will follow anyway. There should be certain public forums or mediums where people from urban or rural areas both, can know about the difference and division. If section 377 get abolished and people start talking about it openly, they will get to know about our existence and in fact, several traditional beliefs will get dissolved over time.

Gay, LGBT, Guwahati

People should know that being a gay (a lesbian, bisexual, or a transgender) is not contagious. It is not a disease, a phase, a decision, or a life choice. We are born this way.

And supporting gay rights will not make anyone a gay. People should be more tolerant, kinder, and acceptable. They should broaden up and accept us because we have and want to offer so much to this society.

Describe your life.

My life is nothing less than a melodramatic movie. It is such unfortunate that even if I like someone or want to make out with him, things have to be under wraps. I can’t talk about my love life. If I like someone, I can’t express it. Had I put my love life on social media, I would be slapped with criticisms and insults. It has become tiresome now. Eventually, I feel deserted. Whatever stamina or energy is left, I apply it in my chores.

What gives you happiness?

Being honest with myself and sleeping sound at the end of the day, knowing that I haven’t lied to the people around me, knowing that I am pure and true to my very existence. For me, breathing with layers of lies and secrets underneath is frightful.

Gay, LGBT, Guwahati, romi


Dejected, depressed, and oppressed, people from the LGBTQ community often face the wrath of societal prejudices. This community has an abundance to offer the world. But despite their substantial attributes in numerous grounds, they always have to crawl in the vicious cycle of abuse and mere mockery at the end of the day.

Every time you see a loud and rebellious person from this community, remember, it’s you who made him/ her like this. Everyone deserves to be loved. Respect and see magic happen.


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