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A vibrant space for all your home-décor needs: Itokri is the place to be


If you are looking for pretty hangings, vivid curtains, folk and tribal art pieces, aromatic fragrances to keep your home delightful, and with more options on your list, then ITOKRI is the place you should check out. Not just that this platform also embraces apparel, pieces of jewelry, footwear, stationaries, personal and body care, and an array of accessories. 

ITOKRI celebrates the diversity of Indian trades. Artisans and entrepreneurs ranging from small to medium and emerging finds their place in this platform.

This space also nurtures ancient art forms and traditional crafts that we seldom find in today’s times. From tribal, modern, heritage, to crafts from across the nation, one can find it all under one roof.

ITOKRI for all your home decor needs

This is my first experience with ITOKRI. What caught my attention is the newspaper-wrapped box that contained my ordered products. As I tear the wrapper, there was another surprise. A beautiful handmade paper box cuddled my products. 

Tryst with personal care products 

Personal care products from itokri

If you are someone who loves to enter a sweet-smelling bathroom, you won’t need any additional fragrances to make it more aromatic. The sweet floral scents from the soaps, shampoo, and body wash will seal your bathroom with pleasant vibes throughout. Ah! And also, you!

Prepared using ayurvedic techniques, these products are free from harsh chemicals and ingredients that deteriorate one’s skin. The products contain pure essential oils, almond oil, wheat germ oil, herbs and botanicals, papaya enzyme, and the highest quality organic aloe vera to give a refreshing bathing experience.

The aroma that fills your home with happy vibes

A gift set from itokri

Conjure up the right atmosphere with incense sticks and cones. With a lingering aura of rose, musk, amber, and other fragrances, fill your home with pleasant notes without a hint of overpowering.

Light up your little spaces

Illuminate the cozy corners of your room with fragrant candles. These perfumed clay pots and floating candles are individually and carefully hand poured before pressing the dried florals.

Gift sets for all occasions

Check out https://www.itokri.com/ for more products.

Glamor of the hills- Meghalaya


The morning beams that penetrated through the gauzy curtains interrupted my dreams. It was late morning when I woke up. Although I was never a morning person, hectic job schedule and demand to maintain punctuality in office compelled me to dispose off my late-night routine.

And thus, weekends became my savior. I would sleep my heart out, keeping myself aloof from all the earthly pleasures. I would always ward-off the plans for joining someone for coffee, hanging out for parties or shopping, or mingling for a weekend getaway with friends with my lame excuses.

Likewise, it was another weekend of my life. I made a cup of hot chocolate, and augmented the tempo of my newly bought JBL Bluetooth speakers. Life would have been such a comfortable bed without any responsibilities, I wondered, trying to warble the Spanish lyrics of Despacito.

The phone’s beep depressed the sound of the song.

“Pack your bags; we are leaving at 6 pm,” Prasanta texted.

And before could I write my excuse text, he interrupted with another one.

“Don’t take it as a request. Because I am not going to listen to any of your post- menstrual mood flicks. Get ready; I am coming to pick you in an hour. Biswajit and Sarvanu will join us too.”

It was around 6.30 in the evening when we headed to, well, we did not have a map to Cherrapunjee or Dawki, so Meghalaya would be precise.

Meghalaya, as they say, is all about floating in abode of clouds. As we waved goodbye to Guwahati, a dark night, stirred with a blanket of mist and grey glimpses enveloped us in no time. Although I had been to this peppy paradise before, the experiences are vastly different on each call. Remarkably, every time I pick a trip to this paradise, I grab a story along with me.

It was late November. The roads were inundated with fog. Visibility of the surrounding dimmed with each rotation of the car’s tires. A little later we realized how terribly the clouds had convoluted us.

Prasanta uttered, “When confusion strikes, go left!” Unable to decide which way to take, we decided to pick the road less traveled.

Prasanta, deciding which way to take.

It was late midnight, around 2 o’ clock. Subsequently, we got the picture of a grey blanket of fog that had covered us, completely. Even the white divider line that we were following, became indiscernible.

The fog became denser with each passing moment. After much contemplation, we grasped that there was no way to surpass the thick mantle as one could barely see the other person or object standing near them.

Biswajit stopped the car. Everyone got down. It was a No Human Land where the hills came alive with its giant spells.

The sight of an indistinct light at a distant, landed us to an eerie-looking house at the cliff of a majestic hill. Being an ardent fan of horror movies, stroked me to envisage how the house carried every trait of an eerie scene. Dimmed lights, indistinct chirps of birds, drops of water tripping at a vessel from the roof, four torn-out couches at the veranda, a dog loitering around and sniffing, reminded me of psycho killers of the Wrong Turn movies.

Anxiety started knocking us, brutally. Before long could we wait for any of us to get hit with a panic attack, we rushed to our car. Although it was difficult and risky to drive with such hazy visuals, nevertheless, Biswajit decided to take the risk as it was a better option than getting our heads chopped and bodies minced.

After driving for nearly three hours, we saw some lodges, lights, and heard voices of people working. That was a huge heave of sigh for all. Biswajit halted the car and we decided to rest our weary eyes for some time.

I woke up at Sarvanu’s boisterous voice, “Yaay! We are finally in Dawki.”

It was an absolute respite for all. While Biswajit and Prasanta yearned for few minutes of rest, Sarvanu decided to get tea for us.

Morning tea at Dawki

The latter part of the day followed with a series of amusing adventures, capturing breathtaking views, gobbling with traditional delicacies and street food, and more. This was one of my wildest adventurous trip that snarled in my memoir cozily, until date.

Below are some of the snaps from the rest of our journey.


Meghalaya Dawki

Meghalaya Dawki

Dawki meghalaya

Meghalaya Dawki

Meghalaya Dawki

Meghalaya Dawki

Editor’s call: Do you have an adventurous story to tell? Write to us at [email protected].

Massive mistakes people commit in a relationship


“A true relationship happens between two imperfect people who refuse to give up on the other.” But oftentimes, the two imperfect persons hold their partners’ imperfections with such high regard that they silt their relationship with ego, arguments, and misunderstandings. Healthy relationships are the ones where both the partners walk on parallel tracks, build healthy communication mediums, and importantly, listen to each other’s needs and nags.

Relationships are fragile subsistence that tend to breathe only when it is nurtured by both the partners. They seldom exist with one-way support. Below are some of the frivolous edges that people trespasses and in turn, deteriorate the beautiful bond:

1. Deteriorating the communication flow:

Lacking communication
Source: Pinterest

Most healthy bondings fail due of dearth of communication between couples, furthermore, exacerbating the string. Lack of which will pave new ways for doubts and misunderstandings.

2. Augmenting insecurities and doubts:

Angry couple
Source: Alldaychic

If you love them, trust them. If you feel that your partner is not worthy of your trust, let him/her go. Get rid of your obsession over them. But if your partner fits your shoe perfectly, STOP creating miseries with your foolish doubts. Because, A relationship that is built with doubts will fall apart, sooner or later.

3. Polishing flirting skills:

Man whistling while with girlfriend
Source: Shutterstock

No, don’t fuel your flirting skills with another man/woman. Those few minutes of your Tinder joy can devastate your partner’s dream of building a home with you.

4. Feeding wrath:

angry chennai express
Source: Magnamags

Because when there is anger, there is always pain underneath. An angry mind can never grasp things, instead, will dissipate the half-mold discussion. Hence holding the discourse to a peaceful state can yield positive outcomes.

5. Pricing possessiveness:

jealous woman better research
Source: Picquotes

Where there is love, there is possessiveness. Sometimes less, at times, more. Possessiveness is like a taste-maker. Too much can spoil the whole dish. However, understanding the pulled line in between can help in retaining the charms of a relationship.

Share and chill until we come up with our next post.

Speak your thoughts in the section below.

The confident swimwear collection by LYRA

swimwear. modest swimwear

Not confident with your bikini body? Don’t worry! LYRA got you covered. 

With summer knocking on everyone’s doors, it’s time to prep up the wardrobe with adorable pairs of swimsuits, bikinis, shorts, tanks, and all the vibrant flowy dresses. But for someone who dresses modestly, it often becomes a tough task to opt for swimwear that visibly exposes parts of their body. The bathing suit anxiety often takes a toll on women, crushing them with low self-esteem. 

As women we know how difficult it is to stay head high and confident when we are not comfortable in our own skin and dress. Feeling apprehensive about wearing a bikini or exposing swimwear is common for most women. Whilst some women overcome their summer body anxiety, for some, it remains a never-ending struggle. They tend to miss out all the fun, fretting over their beach bodies. 

Here’s a collection of gorgeous and sexy yet modest collection of swimwear that will leave you celebrating every summer instead of hiding indoors with bewilderment.

Pretty in pastel:

This pastel collection is truly stunning. The soft hues of green, pink, coral, etc. makes the collection an irresistible pick to celebrate the summer blissfully outdoors.  

Bright and bold with patterns:

With a keen eye on style, this collection is a muse. From feeling good to looking good, this collection of swimwear holds every attribute to make one stand out. The classic colors are an elegant match with its minimal design to enhance the summer glow. Pair it with a sleek high-bun and you are all set to scream glam.

For plus-size women:

Now feel beautiful without compromising on coverage! Express your body confidently with this plus-size collection that’s precisely crafted keeping in mind the style quotient. Keep aside your self-doubts and insecurities and get swim body-ready with this plus-size collection.

About LYRA

LYRA is created through a woman’s struggle to find swimwear that’s modest, makes her feel comfortable and confident, and matches her lifestyle. For someone who loves to dress modestly and also loves outdoor, swimming, and keeping herself fit, it becomes demanding to meet every expectation, ultimately ending up compromising with one thing or the other. This is how LYRA is born; out of Ikram Zein’s enthusiasm to incorporate modesty, style, elegance, and passion.

After a year of working on ideas, designs, and more, Ikram was finally confident to launch her collection in December 2016. LYRA has all the elegance of classic Hollywood, Moroccan beach cool, and minimalist design. The swimsuits are made from light weight, fast dry, premium quality Italian Carvico fabric with high UV protection and can be bought as a full set, or separates, including a chic turban style head covering leggings, and long line, long sleeve tops, that can create the fit and cover as per one’s wish.

The swimwear collection has also been showcased at London Modest Fashion Week. The LYRA brand appreciates that every woman is different, has a sense of what she feels comfortable in, but doesn’t want to compromise on look or feel good. Be it lounging by a poolside, kicking it on the beach, or going for a swim. LYRA looks to reflect the beliefs and values of women from all walks of life.

Check out the full collection of swimwear and accessories at https://lyraswimwear.com

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Get away with summer skin rashes with this easy home remedy


Don’t let summer skin rashes pull you down. This easy home remedy will help you glow once again!

The days of juicy mangoes and watermelon mojitos are here. Also, the days of acne breakouts, rashes, tan, and burns too are here. Summer and skin have always been in a constant cold war. No wonder how tough you hold on to a summer skincare routine, an inevitable ugly-looking pimple will pop out to smirk at you. 

For the ones with oily skin, oh! I understand the pain completely. The hot and humid days with less clothes and least skincare products not just take a toll on our skin but also to our pockets. Investing on high SPF sunscreens to a range of cosmetic products, with a only to aggravate the conditions.

While summer has changed a bit since last year with frequent lockdowns, curfews, work from home, and limited exposure to outdoors, its impact on our skin too has altered. I never had so much issues with my summer skin. But after days of staying indoors and barely exposing myself to the sun and the open air, my skin began to sense the outside environment alien. Even for few hours if I am out in the heat these days, I develop rashes and acne breakouts on my face. And of course, how can I miss out those adamant prickly heat that refuses to go away!

Finally, after trying different summer skincare products and tested ways to handle distressing summer skin, I have come up with a remedy that might work wonders on your problems too. 

Shoo those prickly problems with this summer rashes home remedy

Rashes that are prickly, itchy, and with a burning sensation are quite common during summer. A heat rash occurs mainly due to sweat pores that are blocked by dirt, creams, or other particles. However, for some, rashes don’t need an invitation from blocked pores. They can just arrive at any time. Sensitive skin however is more prone to catch rashes. 

Pure aloe vera gel from www.honeyandspice.in

If you notice any prickly rashes on your skin, this easy-peasy home remedy will help soothe your skin from irritation and provide a cooling effect.

Things you will need:

  1. Pure aloe vera gel – Fresh or store-bought (I use Honey and Spice’s Pure aloe vera gel for all my aloe vera requirements)
  2. Peppermint essential oil
  3. Lavender essential oil


  • If you are using store-bought aloe vera gel, scoop out the required portion of the gel in a glass bowl. Or you can scrape out the gel from a leaf. 
  • Add 2-3 drops of peppermint and lavender essential oil. 
  • Mix well and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. 
  • Clean the affected areas and apply all over. 
  • Massage gently for 1-2 minutes.
  • For best results, use this 3-4 times a day. 

You can directly apply aloe vera gel but adding the essential oils provide a calming effect to the affected areas and help to heal faster. I have tried applying aloe gel from the plant directly on the skin after cooling for some time. It did help in minimizing the effect but took me a week time to repair my skin. On the other hand, applying with the essential oils did the job faster, within 2-3 days. However, this may vary from skin to skin.

You can use tea tree oil as an alternative. This essential oil also has skin calming properties.

As the mercury rises, we tend to deplete more electrolytes and water from our body. Thus, it becomes imperative to drink more water and keep ourselves hydrated and less fatigued. Eating nutrient-rich foods and juicy fruits like watermelon, oranges, berries, sweet lime, pomegranate, etc. during summer is another way to keep the skin healthy and glowing.

Don’t forget to let me know if this method works on your skin.

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home remedy for skin rashes

Artist draws self portrait everyday under influence of different drugs


It has been 23 years, Bryan Saunders‘ Drug-Influenced Self Portraits still garner contemplation on the internet. The artist had locked on to create at least one self-portrait every day and continue until the rest of his life.

From March 30th, 1995 he has created over 11,200 of them. Like fingerprints, snowflakes, and DNA they possess disparate properties. No two of his daily-self-portraits evoke similar features.

Artists, for hundreds of years, put themselves to represent the world around them. Whereas, Saunders believes in creating a paradoxical world. He places the world around him to represent himself. As he says, “I am more concerned with channeling experiences than I am collecting memories but I do both and much more.”

What’s inside an artist’s mind?

Creative minds, call it of an artist, a poet, a musician, or of a writer’s, are rarely tidy. The road to producing something unparalleled or exclusive is stuffed with inexhaustible rumination. Consequently, taking that imagination to reality require chewing over several predicaments. Over time, they are trapped in a cycle of undiagnosed mental health issues and addiction with mind-altering substances.

Saunders was another such artist who channels his anxious mind to visual art and musical performances. A way to deal with his demons.

He experimented with different drugs each day and sketched his portraits under its influence. The portraits narrate a powerful message- the power of addiction.

Here are some of the illustrations from his “Near Death Experience” album.

  1. Crystal Methartist on drugs

  2. Ablifyartist on drugs

  3. Absinthartist on drugs

  4. Adderallartist on drugs

  5. Bath saltsartist on drugs

  6. Busparartist on drugs

  7. Butane Honey Oilartist on drugs

  8. Cocaineartist on drugs

  9. Dilaudidartist on drugs

  10. Hashartist on drugs

  11. Heroin (Snorted)artist on drugs

  12. Huffin Gasartist on drugs

  13. LSDartist on drugs

  14. Marijuanaartist on drugs

  15. Morphinartist on drugs

  16. Ritalinartist on drugs

  17. Salvia Divinorum

    artist on drugs

  18. Valiumartist on drugs

  19. Viagraartist on drugs

Creamy fruit tart recipe- Beetroot, mango, chocolate, and cream cheese tart recipe


The luxuriance of pastry cream is heavenly. The amazing blend of egg yolks, corn starch, milk, cream, and sweetness is just the right snack for your craves. While there lies a number of tricks and tips to make a really succulent tart, the path doesn’t seem too crammed with sweat. Just the right amount of ingredients are important to rule the recipe. Nevertheless, to make this beetroot, mango, chocolate, and cream cheese tart recipe, it was one incredible experience. 

At one moment, I would plan to mix the mango and cream cheese, while on the other, I would wonder how a combination of chocolate and mango would taste like.

But you will gladly love this creamy fruit tart recipe- whether for munching or to round up as a dinner dessert.

Jump to Recipe

Making an authentic French Tart Recipe 

A tart is usually a baked recipe, consisting of a crumbly firm pastry shell with a sweet, savory, or fruity base. Nonetheless, for a French fruit tart recipe, the 4 essential ingredients include:

  • A sweet pastry crust
  • The vanilla pastry cream filling
  • Fresh fruits
  • A tart glaze

Seemingly, most French tart recipes call for berries and fruits on top. I preferred to play the fruit inside. 

Drawing everything from scratch is arduous and time-consuming, but it is worth the results. However, for an impatient person like me, things can often spill over. Luckily, I rescued the dessert from falling apart.

I was literally out of my mind (and body) when all at once, I decided to bake this tart. Not out of a great mood but out of frustration.

I set the gelatin to bloom and began curdling the milk. It was the creamiest of cream cheese that I had ever tasted. Even my chocolate ganache was ready. Sigh!

I was almost ready with my fillings when I realized I hadn’t even set the pastry dough.

I opened the cupboard to reach for the Marie biscuit packet. And wow! My biscuit tart shell turned out as an absolute complement to the incredible layers of sweetness.

Making of the crust and filling

This tart cake is the summary of a rich, creamy, chocolaty, and nutty taste at one bite. Like a classic French chocolate tart, it has the lusciousness of chocolate, graced by the tanginess of mango, and at the same time, the sublime flavor and silkiness of cream cheese. Just the right recipe to appease all moods.

For the tart base (or shortcrust), I used a packet of Marie biscuits. You can use any biscuits.

For the filling, I used three layers of cream cheese, mango, and beetroot and white chocolate base. This fresh fruit tart is the ultimate beauty you will ever make. 

Follow the tart crust recipe here:

4-in-one tart recipe- beetroot, mango, chocolate, and ricotta tart recipe

A good blend of different flavors, this french tart is your call for all kinds of snacking.
Prep Time30 minutes
Active Time1 hour 30 minutes
Total Time2 hours
Course: Dessert
Keyword: baked recipe, dessert recipe, French chocolate tart, French fruit tart, mango tart cake, tart at home, tart recipe
Yield: 3


  • Tart mould
  • Heating pan
  • Food processor
  • Glass bowl
  • Spatula


For the tart crust/ shell

  • 1 packet Marie Biscuit You can opt for coconut or digestive biscuits also
  • 1 whole Egg
  • 3-4 tbsp Butter
  • 3 tbsp Sugar

For the filling

  • 1 cup Cream cheese
  • 1 tsp Vanilla essence
  • 2-3 Ripe Mangoes I took the small variety of mangoes
  • 5 grams White chocolate
  • 1 Beetroot
  • 2 tbsp Gelatin
  • 2 tbsp Melted butter
  • 1 tsp Corn starch


  • Grind the biscuits to a fine powder 
  • Add the egg and the melted butter. Mix thoroughly.
  • Add the granulated sugar and mix again
  • Spread into a tart mould and press the ends firmly.
  • Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes
  • Remove from the oven and brush the shell with egg wash
  • Put it back in the oven for another five minutes

Layer 1- Cream Cheese Filling

  • Add the cream cheese, vanilla essence, and sugar in a bowl and beat it until the sugar completely dissolves with the cheese. Keep aside.

Layer 2- Mango Filling

  • For the mango pastry cream, add the mango cubes into a blender and make a fine smooth pulp.

Layer 3- Beetroot and white chocolate filling

  • Add 5 tbsp water to the 2 tbsp gelatin. Set aside for 10-15 minutes.
  • Grind or grate the beetroot and extract the juice using a sieve. Keep in a separate bowl.
  • Add a tsp of corn starch to half a cup of water, and stir. 
  • On medium heat, pour the mixture into a pan.
  • Now pour the bloomed gelatin into the corn starch mixture.
  • Add the vanilla and the beetroot extract. Bring it to boil. Sieve and keep aside. 
  • In another pan, heat water and place the white chocolate and butter on a glass bowl to melt.
  • Now fold the melted chocolate into beetroot extract.

For the assembly

  • Add the cream cheese layer in the cooled tart mold. Spread it evenly using a spatula. Bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.
  • Pour the second layer of mango pulp once the first filling cools. Let it set for five minutes in the fridge.
  • Now add the beetroot and chocolate layer. 
  • Refrigerate for 4-5 hours.

A good balance of a mango cheesecake and a French chocolate tart, this fruit tart contis is an amazing pick for all your dessert choices.

Let me know in the comments how your tart recipe goes.

These Unique Wedding Gift Ideas Will Make the Modern Couple Feel Special

unique gift ideas
The best gifts are the ones that are bought with love!

Your best friend or family member is getting married and you’re struggling to find the perfect wedding gift. While traditional gifts like dinnerware and linens are always appreciated, can we just think outside the box and surprise the happy couple with a unique and personalized gift? In this post, we’ll explore 10 unique wedding gift ideas that are perfect for the modern couple.

From eco-friendly gifts to artisanal gifts, these ideas will make the couple feel special and show them that you put thought and care into their gift.

Personalized Wedding Gifts

One of the most meaningful ways to show your love and appreciation for the happy couple is by giving them a personalized wedding gift. Consider gifts like custom photo albums, monogrammed wine glasses, or a personalized piece of jewelry that they can wear on their special day.

Experience Gifts

For the couple that loves adventure and making memories, consider giving them an experience gift. Concert tickets, cooking classes, wine tastings, or a hot air balloon ride are all great options that they will cherish for years to come.

Eco-Friendly Wedding Gifts

As more and more people become conscious of their impact on the environment, eco-friendly wedding gifts have become a popular trend. Consider gifts like reusable water bottles, recycled glassware, or sustainable kitchenware. These gifts will not only make the couple feel good about their impact on the environment but also provide them with practical and useful items.

Technology Gifts

In today’s modern world, technology has become a ubiquitous part of our lives. For the couple that loves gadgets and staying up-to-date with the latest tech trends, consider giving them a technology gift. Smart home devices, virtual reality headsets, or fitness trackers are all great options that they will love.

Artisanal Gifts

Support small businesses and artisans by giving the couple a unique and handcrafted gift. Handmade pottery, artisanal chocolate, or handcrafted jewelry are all great options that will make the couple feel special and appreciated. Additionally, you can check these beautifully handpainted vases from ExclusiveLane. These are not just elegant but timeless classics that are sure to give their receiver a smile on their possession.

Subscription Boxes

Subscription boxes are a great way to give the couple a gift that keeps on giving. Consider a monthly subscription to a gourmet food or wine club, a book club, or a wellness subscription box. This gift will continue to surprise and delight the couple long after their wedding day.

Luxury Gifts

For the couple that loves luxury and the finer things in life, consider giving them a high-end gift. A designer handbag or a luxury spa day are both great options that will make the couple feel pampered and special.

Creative DIY Gifts

If you’re looking to get creative and add a personal touch to your gift, consider making a DIY gift. Personalized wedding signage, a custom-painted portrait of the couple, or a hand-knitted blanket are all great options that will show the couple how much you care.

Practical Gifts

Sometimes, the best gifts are the most practical ones. Consider giving the couple a gift that they can use in their everyday lives, like a high-quality coffee maker, pretty handpainted dinner plates, or a set of high-thread-count sheets. These gifts may not be flashy, but they will be appreciated and used often.

Thoughtful Gifts

Finally, the most important aspect of any wedding gift is thoughtfulness. Consider the couple’s interests, hobbies, and passions when selecting a gift. A donation to their favorite charity, a cookbook from their favorite chef, or a painting from their favorite artist is all great options that show you put thought and care into their gift.

When it comes to selecting the perfect wedding gift for the modern couple, the key is to think outside the box and choose a gift that is both unique and personalized. However, you can choose these gifts online or walk into a store nearby you. Exclusivelane is one such spectacular online store that gives you a wide range of wondrous stuff to explore. From personalized wedding gifts to practical gifts and artisanal exquisite, there are so many creative and meaningful options to choose from.

Remember, the best wedding gifts are the ones that come from the heart and show the couple that you put thought and care into their gift. By incorporating their interests and passions into your gift, you can make it truly special and memorable.

So, the next time you’re struggling to find the perfect wedding gift, consider these 10 unique and personalized ideas. Not only will they make the couple feel special and appreciated, but they will also create lasting memories and bring joy to their lives for years to come.

You may also check Unique Gift Ideas That Will Blow Anyone’s Mind

Happy gifting!

Benefits of dating a writer


Dating a writer can be tough as well as an amazing journey one can travel through. These moody, stubborn, serious, sulky and exasperated creatures are not at all easy to handle. But once you enter their trusted zone, they will take great care of you, just like their grammatical errors.

Writers are the smart, intelligent, witty, and creative specimen of the human race you would love to hang around with. Coffee is their best friend while creativity keeps them awake. They are mostly shy, introvert, and short tempered but once you learn how to reach their comfort zone, they will sketch joy and vitality in your life. This intense category of species would make you scream in joy as they make love to you with their words.

Explore the aisle below and know the benefits you can avail from your better half:

Experience and Experiment: They are always in search of new things and their life is filled with series of adventure and experiments. A story created with events that have happened or experienced brings liveliness to it. Don’t be surprised if your writer behaves weird at times or do things that are awkward. Those might be the things they want to witness before capturing in their writings.

Changing moods: Once you date a writer, you will learn the true usage of every single emojis of your keyboard. Your writer love is always buried deep with new ideas and thoughts and thus you tend to be extra careful while using your movement and tone. Your slightest distraction can result in a violent war.

Romance through vocabulary: If you want to romance, romance with a writer. They can explore depths of you and make you swim in a sea of fascination. You might not even realize how deeply you have drowned in their words. They will trap every emotion of you in their writings.

No demands, no complaints: They hate dominating bosses and bitchy colleagues. And that is why they choose writing over a 10 am to 6 pm job. They love being independent and won’t pester you to take them for parties. They won’t demand or complain even if you don’t buy them expensive gifts.

Coated with ideas: They are layered with creativity, imagination, and artistry. Whether a party decor or a story outline, never hesitate to ask them anything. They can enlighten you with the best-experienced ideas and opinions. Each of their creations requires a lot of research- digging out the best shopping sites to matching footwear, restaurants, music, etc. So in case you tremble with your choice, ask for their recommendation!

Patience is sweet: Sometimes it takes days to get their desired plot and twist for the tale. They know that the fruit of patience is always sweet. They won’t fume with rage if you reach late on a date someday.

Great observers: Writers are great observers. They notice minute details of you just like the grammatical errors. From your deep dark snipers to bulged out belly, they will paint every strand of you in their mind.

Romance runs in their veins: They are mostly dreamers and fantasizing is their favorite hobby. The romantic message that you texted last night would be transformed into a poem with amalgamated feelings and volumized vocabulary attached to it in the next morning. They will preserve every speck of you in their writings.

At your service: They are good listeners. Whether your terribly poor jokes or sad tales, they carry boatloads of patience to stand every story and provide their expert opinions. In fact, they will take interest in everything you say and are always at your service, even when you lag behind with your assignment’s deadline.

You are the hero: And lastly, be prepared to see yourself as a lead character in their next story, because writers fall in love with people they find a serene bonding with.

Dating a writer means you will learn a lot of cool new words. You will receive grammatical error free text on your phone. You will get the best of Valentine or anniversary dedicated messages. You do not need to rush to the shelf to get that heavy oxford dictionary. They are at your service for all your vocabulary problems.

While your friends talk about their dummy partners’ activities, you can delightedly stand as a proud boyfriend/ girlfriend alongside your writer love. Let us know your experiences in the comment section below.

How to keep the flame of love glowing?


Getting seriously involved with the opposite sex calls for a bundle of maturity and patience. After spending your days hauling with office drudgery, your evenings fly, wondering about how much exhausted you are even to reach for a good night kiss. Though the erstwhile stage was pretty occupied with excitement, subsequently it starts to turn pale and keeping the flame alive becomes a demanding job for both the partners, gradually.

Love often fails because men want space and women want to understand. Millions of couples join every day in love, whereas million others cries a painful separation. They feel frustration and everyday irritations had doused the spark between them. There are very few people who are able to grow in love.

Let’s grab some quick tips on how to keep that flame glowing:

1) The beauty of loyalty: Trust is the foundation of a relationship. Most relationships fail due to jolt in the foundation. Loyalty garnishes a relationship. Nothing is sexier than a man or woman dedicated to their partners.

2) Love with Friendship: To be great lovers, you need to be great friends first. Men are from Mars, while women are from Venus and surviving with the opposite sex means dealing with things that mean something or sometimes nothing. When you are true friends, instead of trying to have control or change them, you acknowledge and respect their views. You have a shared history of your past life with them which will act as an immune to your relationship in future as your better half have a better understanding of your tastes, preferences, likes, and dislikes.

3) Confess your past: At some point, everyone tends to walk out of their threshold. There are days when you may be attracted to your best friend or to your partner’s cousin. Curiosity can be a bitch at times. You know you are engaged to your partner, still, your curiosity would ignite you to flirt with the new girl in your neighborhood. However, as they say, “Better late than never.” Confessing your flings and faults can actually help retain the lost faith of your partner.

4) Being secure: A peculiar kind of inferiority that can ruin a blooming relationship is insecurity. If you are insecure, own it and fix it. The more fearful you are around your partner, the less attracted they are to you and the relationship is likely to stand on the verge of dying.

5) Blurt it out: When piled up frustration sweeps way to depression and baseless rumination, dissociation wins its race. You want him to take you shopping. Instead of saying it directly, you tend to encircle it with “my best friend’s boyfriend always surprises her with expensive shopping and lavish outings” will not work. Remember, for a man, their formula is “Don’t fix it unless it is broken”.

6) Ignite your sex life: Nobody likes to eat dal and rice every day. Everyone wishes for biryani at times. Nurturing that flame would require volumes of warmth along with a few doses of fresh fragrance to it. Quick tip: Get rid of vanilla sex and explore the other new varieties.

7) Anger and Arguments: It is common for two people who are madly in love with hating each other the very next day. Wrath can literally stretch to violent arguments and abuses which in turn can extinguish the flame of a relationship in no time.

8) Wrap with Compromise: All the huge disputes of the world can be settled with a compromise. Count ego as the greatest enemy and make compromise your priority.

Author’s Take: Rather than engaging in stupid fights, celebrate love and togetherness. Take her for shopping or cook his favorite meal. At the end of the day, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach and to a girl is through shopping.