A summer time madness at 11th Avenue

I skip my breakfast and settled for a tall ice-cold glass of watermelon juice. Summers have become awful in Guwahati. I cannot even devour my favorite cappuccino or an...
egg coffee recipe

Let Your Egg Coffee Do The Talking Tonight

I wasn’t a caffeine person but fate intended to weave a new love story with coffee. I accepted. A surprising obsession grew, stronger each day. Primarily because, my coffee...

The Sunshine Blogger Award- 2018

  The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those bloggers who are creative, optimistic, and inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community. And, Yass…!!! This is my first nomination...

Best places to indulge with Pizza in Guwahati

With a vast variety of eateries and cuisines, Guwahati has surfaced as one of the fastest growing and diverse cities in India. Whether the ethnic flavors, aroma brewing cafes,...

Humanity is dead. Take care.

Skimming the morning newspaper and at the same time, scrolling the Facebook newsfeed is my daily bustle. As I quaff my morning tea, curiously, I asked my husband if...

Artist draws self portrait everyday under influence of different drugs

It has been 23 years, Bryan Saunders' Drug-Influenced Self Portraits still garner contemplation on the internet. The artist had locked on to create at least one self-portrait every day...