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The Sunshine Blogger Award- 2018

  The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those bloggers who are creative, optimistic, and inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community. And, Yass…!!! This is my first nomination to Sunshine Bloggers Award. Oh, won’t it be rude if I do not offer my gratitude to my nominator? So, thank you so much, Rahul, the man behind this mesmerizing travel blog,...

Best places to indulge with Pizza in Guwahati

With a vast variety of eateries and cuisines, Guwahati has surfaced as one of the fastest growing and diverse cities in India. Whether the ethnic flavors, aroma brewing cafes, region specials, continental or oriental exclusives, each restaurant carry its own set of flair to appease its admirers. Besides, one can not just indulge in flavor but can also relish...

Humanity is dead. Take care.

Skimming the morning newspaper and at the same time, scrolling the Facebook newsfeed is my daily bustle. As I quaff my morning tea, curiously, I asked my husband if he has any idea about what is taking both our newsfeed to a storm. I did not bother to read or click the links people had shared. When he swiped...

Artist draws self portrait everyday under influence of different drugs

It has been 23 years, Bryan Saunders' Drug-Influenced Self Portraits still garner contemplation on the internet. The artist had locked on to create at least one self-portrait every day and continue until the rest of his life. From March 30th, 1995 he has created over 11,200 of them. Like fingerprints, snowflakes, and DNA they possess disparate properties. No two of...

Call of the Colliery

  Amid the fast running and incessantly competing world, we could barely realize when we lose our existence and become one of those prime partakers in the race of survival. Thus, it becomes an essential responsibility to take a break and breath for a while. I have always made it a point to take a small weekend break whenever it's possible...

Lavazza- Redefining the aroma of Guwahati

A coffee mug is something that always stands on my desk, irrespective of whether I am at home or at my workplace. I wasn’t a coffee fanatic until the caffeine rush hit me during my finals one day. And since then, it has been my favorite choice of beverage. Growing café culture of Guwahati While Guwahati is blooming in the different...

A tale of victory over depression

After an arduous four years battle with depression, he finally got estranged from its claws. Numerous relapses and a mulish addiction to alcohol, brought him miseries that he could barely imagine in his wildest dreams. “Depression strolls in one’s life begging for its existence. Once it senses any hint of odd, uncovers its majestic form, under different highs and lows.”...

A restaurant in Guwahati abused its customer for complaining about food quality

Over the years, Guwahati has developed gracefully with a number of restaurants, cafes, pubs, and clubs blooming amid the support of its inhabitants. These wings have flapped smoothly with time, offering excellent services and hospitality to its customers. Consequently, there are also some restaurants, who, with their appalling services, have disheartened many of the city's food fanatics. I remember visiting...

Things to do when you are in Guwahati

Every time someone plans a trip, Google stands as the ultimate guide to extract the essence of a place. But beneath the thick suggestions and plate full of recommendations, it often becomes a bemusing plight to settle with the final to-do list. While some travel to explore the culture of a place, some travel to shop, to capture stories, for...

SUICIDE – Know the warning signs

In every 40 seconds, a person commits suicide, leading to over 800,000 suicides every year. Albeit every suicide is a personal tragedy, its effect on family, friends, and communities are far-reaching and devastating. As per World Health Organization (WHO), it is the second leading, yet preventable cause of death among 15-29-year-old globally. Tragically, suicide failed to be recognized as a...