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Benefits of dating a writer


Dating a writer can be tough as well as an amazing journey one can travel through. These moody, stubborn, serious, sulky and exasperated creatures are not at all easy to handle. But once you enter their trusted zone, they will take great care of you, just like their grammatical errors.

Writers are the smart, intelligent, witty, and creative specimen of the human race you would love to hang around with. Coffee is their best friend while creativity keeps them awake. They are mostly shy, introvert, and short tempered but once you learn how to reach their comfort zone, they will sketch joy and vitality in your life. This intense category of species would make you scream in joy as they make love to you with their words.

Explore the aisle below and know the benefits you can avail from your better half:

Experience and Experiment: They are always in search of new things and their life is filled with series of adventure and experiments. A story created with events that have happened or experienced brings liveliness to it. Don’t be surprised if your writer behaves weird at times or do things that are awkward. Those might be the things they want to witness before capturing in their writings.

Changing moods: Once you date a writer, you will learn the true usage of every single emojis of your keyboard. Your writer love is always buried deep with new ideas and thoughts and thus you tend to be extra careful while using your movement and tone. Your slightest distraction can result in a violent war.

Romance through vocabulary: If you want to romance, romance with a writer. They can explore depths of you and make you swim in a sea of fascination. You might not even realize how deeply you have drowned in their words. They will trap every emotion of you in their writings.

No demands, no complaints: They hate dominating bosses and bitchy colleagues. And that is why they choose writing over a 10 am to 6 pm job. They love being independent and won’t pester you to take them for parties. They won’t demand or complain even if you don’t buy them expensive gifts.

Coated with ideas: They are layered with creativity, imagination, and artistry. Whether a party decor or a story outline, never hesitate to ask them anything. They can enlighten you with the best-experienced ideas and opinions. Each of their creations requires a lot of research- digging out the best shopping sites to matching footwear, restaurants, music, etc. So in case you tremble with your choice, ask for their recommendation!

Patience is sweet: Sometimes it takes days to get their desired plot and twist for the tale. They know that the fruit of patience is always sweet. They won’t fume with rage if you reach late on a date someday.

Great observers: Writers are great observers. They notice minute details of you just like the grammatical errors. From your deep dark snipers to bulged out belly, they will paint every strand of you in their mind.

Romance runs in their veins: They are mostly dreamers and fantasizing is their favorite hobby. The romantic message that you texted last night would be transformed into a poem with amalgamated feelings and volumized vocabulary attached to it in the next morning. They will preserve every speck of you in their writings.

At your service: They are good listeners. Whether your terribly poor jokes or sad tales, they carry boatloads of patience to stand every story and provide their expert opinions. In fact, they will take interest in everything you say and are always at your service, even when you lag behind with your assignment’s deadline.

You are the hero: And lastly, be prepared to see yourself as a lead character in their next story, because writers fall in love with people they find a serene bonding with.

Dating a writer means you will learn a lot of cool new words. You will receive grammatical error free text on your phone. You will get the best of Valentine or anniversary dedicated messages. You do not need to rush to the shelf to get that heavy oxford dictionary. They are at your service for all your vocabulary problems.

While your friends talk about their dummy partners’ activities, you can delightedly stand as a proud boyfriend/ girlfriend alongside your writer love. Let us know your experiences in the comment section below.

Explore The World – You Will Find Yourself, I promise


Meghalaya, Abode of clouds

“Free the heart, and the trapped luscious soul craving to wander, and fly in its majestic manner. Let it explore the wilderness. Love the world”

Traveling is something that I adore, more than my NAKED Palette, my favorite iPhone, my preferred red wine, and everything a girl cuddles in prized possession. Call it my obsession to deal with my past, or maybe a way to escape my anhedonia.

Traveling sparked new horizons to a dark era

I was in a relationship, a toxic bond for nine years. A phase of my life was perfectly under the shadows of violence, abuse, torment, and harassment. As my lucky stars aligned on a particular day, I managed to break free from that bondage.

Over the years and amid the clutter of life, lucky are those who find a partner like Prasanta. Beside loving me, he also lusts exploring new places. And that’s how I probed into places that I could even imagine in my wildest desires.

But fate had its own surprises. My anhedonia was getting worse, with each passing day. I would often envision some magical bewitchment in my life. Spells that would transit me into a lost kingdom filled with butterflies, skylarks, and wild lilies.

Dawn of the desires


It was early autumn. The cherry trees were beginning to bloom. Prasanta insisted to join him on a bike ride to Cherrapunjee (Meghalaya). I agreed. It takes four hours to reach Cherrapunjee from Guwahati.

He accelerated the gears of his Himalayan. In no time we were floating abode of clouds. Abode of my fantasy kingdom where the butterflies were smearing colors to the grey fog and the skylarks, accompanying the sole travelers in the deserted highway.

We stayed at a guesthouse in lower Cherrapunjee. The owner brought us some traditionally made pork fry and pork sausages that we hogged with rice and dal alongside.

real pork sausage

Next morning, I woke up at the sluicing sound at a distant. Sleepy-eyed, I toddled toward the back door and saw Prasanta waving at me. The air was inundated with fog. As I walked closer, the gushing sound was growing clear. And so was my curiosity.

After a 10 minutes walk amidst the thick long grasses, a breath-taking view broke my drowsiness. I stood there bedazzled (Ah! I am running short of adjectives). Had Wordsworth or Shakespeare been there instead of me, they would have filled pages of musings in their diaries.

Some things are inexplicable. So was that eye-soothing valley, thronged with wild lilies, and a dancing stream that swayed elegantly, sweeping the pebbles, trying to match rhythms with the butterflies.

waterfall meghalaya

As we rode back to the city that evening, I realized, I was inhaling feelings, of joy. I smiled glaring at the age-old tired hills.

“They are still romantic. Nah?”

Prasanta nodded.


Meghalaya, hills

Oh yes, to the world! To its vastness, to the enormous, and the colossal experiences that rejuvenate, thrills, and heals all the past bruises of the heart.

I, at last, found the key to that magic door. The wings never stayed calm since then. I travel, I listen to people’s stories, good, bad, ugly, grief-stricken, or whatsoever. Feeding my inquisitiveness to explore places made me a storyteller. I travel- to seek my existence, to capture stories, to learn, to depress stress, as a weekend escapade, and to breath happiness.

I travel for me.

Post Script:

The world loves stories. Thus Lufthansa, in an attempt to fulfill every travel enthusiast’s dream, gives a reason to love the world.

Check out the video to unwind yours.


Powerful poems on the agonizing effects of drugs


As they say, behind the prettiest smiles lay secrets deep and dark, every individual carries their own set of tragedies and despairs their way. While some resolve it with their coping abilities, others tend to suppress it amidst the veil of drugs. Although these mind-altering drugs thrill the person with a euphoric surge at one end, they hijack the brain’s reward pathway, thereby compelling the person to engage in compulsive drug seeking habits. However, in the long run, these addictive substances trigger their effects by impairing the individual’s mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

Let’s gaze through some of the heartbreaking and powerful verses that will shock you with the emotional miseries attributed with these drugs.

This is Your Life

(A Poem About the Inevitable Cycle of a Meth User & Maker)
by Robert G.


This is your life, it’s so fucking intense;
it doesn’t really matter, it doesn’t make sense.
Your mom and dad told you about the birds and the bees.
Do a fat blast and I’ll show you the feds in the trees.
Whether you snort it, shoot it, or suck a glass dick;
it doesn’t matter, it’s just fucking sick.

In your house you will stay, your friends you’ll avoid;
you’re a spun fucking monkey; straight paranoid.
Forget who you were. You’ll become a thief and a crook.
Then the best idea ever! You learn how to cook.

‘Till one day, when you’re home minding the store.
The feds come and kick in the door.
Bum-rushed and slammed on your chest;
don’t move you fucking maggot, you’re under arrest.
Now you’re in court with a public pretender;
you would be better off with your dick in a blender.
The judge says, “No deal son”, it’s twenty to life.
And your best friend is home, fucking your wife.

Crystal Meth Kills Me

by Brandon T.


Closely I watch as you claim another
Restless mind to steal its soul.
Years of pain leave me threadbare
Searching for for the serenity I once
Took for granted.

I am lost I can’t
Afford the things I need anymore, I’m
Left more sick than ever before
Making it so hard. I hate thinking of
Everything I lost no telling how much?

The ones that I depended on there
Hopelessness and choice to believe
All the lies no one can hear the cries I
Make asking for someone to stop this

Pain that flows through me. I need
Help. I need to feel the sting of rain
Entering my vein the emotions are
Dying as the stream of life drips
Into a rag I hold under my arm
Making stains as my mind is set free

I no longer fear the harm I’m causing,
Nothing helps anymore.
Even the pain I endure everyday
Know’s And leaves me alone.
Insanity is my new friend .

Light pierces my eyes and causes me to
Loose my focus on the problem. it is the
Stains on the rag I dropped on the floor
Making me do this to myself again.
Everyone knows I’m playing a game.

Black honey

By: Liliumfrost


I stole it from all the bees
I’ve emptied out every single one of my lilies
Crushing the stems
Footprints on my memories

I paid too much
And didnt get enough

I m falling down by the wayside
I m too lonely to be in love all time
Its shiny how i paint my own hell
I m dissolving under your spell

Black honey wont you be sweet to me
I dont want to feel a thing.

The Scars of Ice last for Life

by Some Chick
Poem submitted by: Yusuf L.


It’s been days since I slept
Can’t remember when last I ate
I’m consumed by anger and hate
Meth is leading me to hells gates…

Even tho I put it behind me
Everything I do constantly reminds me…

The wounds are so deep
The climb back to the top so steep
How did I ever get so deep…?

It disturbs my sleep to hear
The erratic beat of my heart
My breathing is shallow
But of no concern
I’m happy meth made me mellow…

I don’t want it to end
But I have to defend
The little morality I have
Still intact…

The dribbles run thru your head
While you lay in bed
Some good and some bad
All reminders of things you’d rather forget…

Chop it long chop it short
Be cunning enough not to get caught
Chop it fine make that line
Dnt you see the meth makes you blind?

But it’s not over yet
You’ll deceive those that care
Still challenge meth?
You better be aware …

I’ll make you cry
At times you’ll wanna die
You’ll turn on your friends & family
Love the ones you hate
for in their arms
On a plate
is da thing you crave
Yes it’s a line but it’s also a way to your grave …

You sold wat you owned
Just to get high
Still you wonder why u getting the awkward eye…

Meth is not a joke
Harsher den coke
You continue to use
Even tho you broke

It’ll make you beg borrow and steal
And never will you heal
The person you were is now dead
All that’s left is jus a thought in Ur head
So tell me now dear friend
Will you let meth lead you to the end?

30 Inch Gauge

© Emma


How were the shrooms? The Beer? The LSD?
I’ll show you something more worthwhile than weed.
I can show you how to steal and lie.
Trust me, it’s all you need to get by.

Why go to school? Don’t turn another page!
I’m so much easier, and I come in a 30 inch gauge.
Heroin’s my name, I’ve been known to destroy lives.
Takings out actors, teenagers, fathers, and wives.
People will leave you, that’s just fine.
Follow me, you’ll be all mine.
Try to get rid of me? What a joke.
Pretty soon you’ll have a needle, looking for a vein to poke.
Need some love? That’s gonna be hard to find.
But don’t worry, cause I’ll always be in the back of your mind…

Drug addiction is a serious issue that has paralyzed millions of innocent lives worldwide. Talk to your dear ones about your addiction problems and yes, don’t hesitate to reach for a helping hand. Want to share your story? We are here to listen and publish your story.

You can write to us at [email protected]

Poetry sources:

A tale of victory over depression



After an arduous four years battle with depression, he finally got estranged from its claws. Numerous relapses and a mulish addiction to alcohol, brought him miseries that he could barely imagine in his wildest dreams.

“Depression strolls in one’s life begging for its existence. Once it senses any hint of odd, uncovers its majestic form, under different highs and lows.” He said.

An abusive father, bad companions, and maltreatment in school made the ground of depression fertile for him. He was one of those, who would suppress his emotions and cover his thoughts, no matter how devastating they are.

In the beginning, he was totally clueless about the series of unwanted events happening with him. Craving for high-calorie food, sleep issues, increased argument with his girlfriend, feeling numb and hazy every time, became his regular routine.

After much contemplation, he could match signs with depression. Spaced out, he decided to disclose the matter to his parents. But his surprise jumped in amusement when his dad brought him a Brainolia (a kind of memory enhancing syrup) while his mom massaged his scalp with Navratna oil (a soothing ayurvedic hair oil).

Finally, seeking a psychologist was his only choice left. He was prescribed with antidepressants. For four years he soaked in antidepressants, with higher doses every week.

A conversation about his struggle with prolonged depression

As he says, “Depression is all about self-esteem. We have a monitor in our mind. When we do good, it feels good and when something bad happens, it feels bad. But once you learn to distinguish between good and bad, learn to stand for yourself, that self-esteem gradually builds up.”

Q: How was depression, your old friend?
A: I broke up with her now. There are times when she didn’t let me sleep for days. That phase was horrible but it taught me many things.

Q: How did it all end?
A: I was drained, both mentally and physically. Depression had taken away my health, sleep, and my life completely. And antidepressants, they deteriorated the situation more. Around 4 am, one day, I was lying in bed and staring at the ceiling. Out of sheer frustration, I walked out of my home. Kept walking, heedlessly. After few hours, I felt good. And then, there’s no stopping since then.

Q: Did you get hook on to any sort of drugs?
A: Yes, I was an extensively into alcohol and marijuana. In one instance, I drank a full raw bottle of whisky, with a hope to gain some sleep. But woke up with wide eyes within two hours. However, I am all clean now.

Q: Did you experience any suicidal ideation?
A: I felt total numbness but there were no suicidal thoughts. Also, I was not afraid to die. It was like let things happen their way.

Q: How were your parents and friends? Did they support you?
A: My parents and siblings were quite supportive, unlike my friends. When I discussed my condition with my friends, they lend a hand with alcohol. They were just waiting for me to get well. When I was recovering, still battling, they influenced me toward alcohol, once again. Further, relapse knocked.

Overcoming depression

After the fourth cup of coffee, he put forth some of the important practices he followed that helped him in his battle. Below are some of them:

  • Journaling helps a lot. I jot down all my good, bad, and ugly feelings. These anecdotes now help me in making music.
  •  Stay away from bad influence and from any sort of drugs. Eventually, you will fall into the trap of addiction, further depreciating things more.
  • Avoid narcissistic people. Learn about narcissism and co-dependency.
  • Avoid any kind of spiritual modality. You will likely fall prey to these. Be VERY CAREFUL.
  •  Exercise is a must. You will feel lethargic, not want to even think of it. This is a very slow process. It took me a year. But exercising augmented my thought process and helped in enhancing my self-worth. I started loving my life.
  • Self-counseling helps. I treat myself as a child. I ask questions, about things that hurt me, why did I feel bad about something that the other person had said, is it good? Is it bad? Then I come to the climax.
  • Know that you cannot please everyone. Society is a huge problem. Prejudices like you are too good to revert to an elderly person’s (wrong) views, would subsequently want you to restore their faith in you.

There have been numerous times when he was raped, mentally. After four years of living in absolute darkness, Ankit finally defeated his demons. He is now happy to embrace the scars left by his kick-boxing practices than by those dreadful four years.

Struggle of distinguishing depression

The word “depression” is powerful enough to frighten anyone. In a world with more than 300 million people struggling with depression, only a handful of them dares to speak up about their mental status. And others? They suffer in the shadows of misery, despondency, and ultimately seek suicide as their final destination.

Camouflaged by societal stigma, prejudices, and indifference, people battling with depression or any other mental clutter could barely distinguish their problems or seek professional guidance.

There are people who may not even realize the signs and intensity of depression and in turn, can fall in the vicious cycle of drug or alcohol addiction. Thus, it’s imperative to know and understand the signs before it is too late.


Editor’s Take: We will update an article on the signs and symptoms of depression in our health section soon.

Also, don’t forget to share this article. Help us reach this story to others in need.

There is magic in his music. Know how Guy J can entice people with his powerful tunes.



Guy JGuy J was an alien name for me years back. And so, was progressive music. But over the years, the frequency at which his tracks began popping up in my social feed, prompted me to google few whereabouts about his works. As they say, he evokes emotive aspect to its listener, I firmly deem, he does.

In this growing age of electronic music, distinguishing the different genres and sub-genres of music is indeed an arduous chore. But because curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning, I, out of no good reason, flared my curiosity to explore Guy J’s style of narrating house music to his audience.

In course of time, I noticed another passionate heart (Debjit Kar), balancing beats with his musical notes. His eyes would fill with fanatic warmth every time he talks about his favorite Guy J. When asked about his zaniness, Debjit narrated how Guy J’s technique to create music attracted him. “He doesn’t stick around to a single genre, rather infuses numerous other genres to create a different style. He can make you smile, cry, and dance with his music,” he said.

What sets the musician apart from his fellow peers?

One of the pioneers of House Music, the Israeli musician Guy Judah, popularly known as Guy J, is known for serving his audience with an aura of sultry touch with music. Predominantly, the musician is widely admired for his state- of- the- art techniques that he tags along while molding a particular track.

About his music making

Ranked 525 on the official DJ rankings list, Guy J embraced success at a much younger age. His debuted single called Guy J and Sahar Z’s “Hazui, saw light in August 2006, was an incorporation with Sahar Zangilevich.  However, his debut album  “Esperanza” received much admiration worldwide. Some of the tracks like Indigo or Nebula speaks distinctively about his ethereal amalgamation of progressive house, techno, electro, and electronica in one universe.  In fact, the album is also, far and wide, celebrated as one of the finest albums to have bloomed from Tel Aviv so far.

What spaces out the composer from his fellow peers is his remarkable stir of house and techno that he often garnishes with flavors of trance and ambient. For an electronic music enthusiast, his compositions are perfect cures for the ears. The established elements of house music, with minimal, progressive, deep and techno merged along with ambient and dubstep traced in his tracks are absolute picks for a music lover.

Rhythmically rich, his dramatic and peppy compositions holds that essence to weave magic and would inevitably heal a distorted mind with a sense of gratification and contentment.

Author’s Take:

Worry not! Guy J is all set to knit magic with his music on 18th March in Guwahati. Collect your passes and gear yourself to witness the biggest house affair in Greenwood Resort. For any queries, knock us in the comment section below. We will reach out to you.

Things to do when you are in Guwahati


Every time someone plans a trip, Google stands as the ultimate guide to extract the essence of a place. But beneath the thick suggestions and plate full of recommendations, it often becomes a bemusing plight to settle with the final to-do list.

While some travel to explore the culture of a place, some travel to shop, to capture stories, for thrilling adventures, to experience the varied recipes, and more. From exploring culture and ethnicity to grabbing exclusive arts and artifacts, here is a complete guide list that one can pick for an all-around trip while in Guwahati.

  •  Of mythical essence

    Guwahati is more than Kamakhya temple and Kalakhetra. Straddled on both sides of the Brahmaputra, Guwahati possesses a trail of engaging events for its guests. Apart from witnessing the mystic Kamakhya temple visit, one can plan a visit to the Madan Kamdev temple located around Gorchuk. Known for its archaeological ruins, the place is surrounded by a number of sculptures and other related parts of the medieval era.

  •  For some cozy time amidst nature

    Take a stroll along Deepor Beel and capture the jovial birds chirping happiness. Chandubi is another fine spot to relish your spirit. About 56km from the city, Chandubi is an idyllic getaway to take a trip of the countryside breeze. Besides engaging in camping or indulging in ethnic cuisines, one can also take a stroll to the nearby village. (Quick tip: Get an inhabitant and ask him/her to guide you to the hills. It’s a fine trekking area as well.)

  • Where to hang out in the evening

    Evenings in Guwahati are packed with beverages, starters, and music to gear for the night. The city owns a number of beautifully crafted cafes like 11th Avenue, Mocha, The Corner Café, The Zouq, and Café Brew Bakes that will sure leave its guests jam-packed throughout the evening.

  • Specialty beverages

    Tea is not just a beverage but an emotion for Indians. And when it comes to visiting Assam, how can one check out without taking a reinvigorating sip of Assam tea? Guwahati has a number of tea stops that not only pour aromatic saga but also speak volumes about the intact of its flavors. 11th Avenue, Tea Story, and Kesariya Chaiwala has the best stories to tell its guests. Chaiwala galli of Fancy Bazaar is another essential stop one must not forget to check out during their visit.

  • Where to shop

    Guwahati offers a range of shopping corners as per one’s needs and preferences. Fancy Bazaar, the popular commercial hub of the city, offers one with a range of options to bargain. The quite-well-organized market has numerous crowded alleys that takes one to the wholesale stops of apparels, stationaries, footwears, handloom, brass utensils, fruits, and more. Additionally, Central mall, Pantaloons, Roodraksh, Sohum Shoppe, Sohum Emporia, and Hub on the other end, gives one the privilege to revel with the numerous brands.

  • Nightlife in Guwahati

    Guwahati brims with some of the coolest clubs, bars, and pubs. Café Hendrix, Terra Mayaa, Sanghai Salsa, Sura Vie, Bulls & Beers, Urban Mantra are some of the finest ones that not only entertain its visitors with great food and drinks but also with music of different genres. The only glitch that lies in this structure of Guwahati is that nightlife in Guwahati lasts only till 10 pm. So make sure to order sufficient before the counter gets closed.

  • Knock for flavors

    The number of ethnic restaurants dwelling here abounds with traditional flavors. For quick chicken or pork bites, one can opt for Raja Mircha and Gogoi Pork, while locating Naga food court, Heritage Khorikaa, Missing kitchen, and Manipuri Hotels for a heavy meal.

Location of the places:

  • 11th Avenue: Dighalipukhuri and Rajgarh
  • Mocha: Anil Plaza, Christian Basti
  • The Corner Café: Uzan Bazaar
  • The Zouq: Beltola
  • Café Brew Bakes: Six mile
  • Tea Story: Uzan Bazaar
  • Kesariya Chaiwala: Chandmari
  • Central mall: Christian Basti and Zoo Road
  • Pantaloons: Lachit Nagar, Adabari, Inside Roodraksh Mall, and Dispur
  • Roodraksh: Bhangagarh
  • Sohum Shoppe: Christian Basti
  • Sohum Emporia: ABC, G.S. Road
  • Hub: Bhangagarh
  • Café Hendrix: Dispur
  • Terra Mayaa: Anil Plaza, G.S. Road
  • Sanghai Salsa: Zoo-Narengi Road
  • Sura Vie: Bhangagarh
  • Bulls & Beers: G.S. Road
  • Urban Mantra: Khanapara
  • Raja Mircha: Both the outlets in Rukmini Gaon
  • Gogoi Pork: Dispur Supermarket
  • Naga Food court: Opposite to Panbazaar Police Station
  • Heritage Khorikaa: Goswami Service Station
  • Missing kitchen: Hengrabari Road,
  • Manipuri hotels: Ulubari. There are about 5-8 Manipuri rice hotels located in the Arya Hospital lane.

Help share this information in your circle. Also feel free to mail us with your queries at [email protected]


Health Issues That Can Affect Your Oral Health


oral health, girl smiling, dental issue

Our overall and oral health is tightly connected, even if it may not seem so. Both can affect the other, whether it be positively or negatively. To lead a healthy, fulfilling life, we must take care of not only our body but also our mouth! Contacting your dentist for more information regarding different health issues you have and their effects on your oral health can help you get your health back on track and have you feeling better than ever before.

Acid reflux

Acid reflux, also known as Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, can have detrimental effects on our dental health.  It is a condition which entails stomach acids travelling up the oesophagus (throat), sometimes ending in the mouth. These acids can be dangerous, and in extreme cases, can even lead to oesophageal cancer.

Within the confines of the mouth, acid reflux could lead to tooth erosion as well as periodontal issues.

After being diagnosed with acid reflux, patients should follow their physician’s advice and instructions when it comes to controlling their stomach acid. In many cases, medical professionals will recommend avoiding citrus or acidic foods like tomatoes, raw onions, chocolate, alcohol, and coffee. If the condition is particularly severe and your dental health is suffering, a physician may also prescribe medication to get your reflux under control, decreasing the amount of acid produced in excess.

Stomach ulcers

Health professionals previously believed that stomach ulcers were only the direct result of an overproduction of stomach acid, which destroyed the stomach’s walls. Previous treatment for ulcers entailed only controlling the amount of acid produced.

But recently, researchers discovered that certain bacteria in the mouth, caused by poor dental hygiene, may actually lead to stomach ulcers. The bacteria believed to play a role in stomach ulcer production are common among individuals with infected gum tissue.

Therefore, it is crucial to take care of our dental health to avoid any further, seemingly unrelated health conditions. Destructive bacteria that forms in the mouth can spread across the body and harm our well-being.

Chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease is a hard condition to live with on its own, paired with chronic dental issues such as cavities or gum disease; it only gets harder. As another infection grows in your mouth, your body will have to take and use some of its valuable resources towards fighting the dental disease, instead of working to improve the status of your kidneys. While fighting off additional dental disease, you may end up in the hospital more often than normal since your immune system is impaired.

Patients with kidney disease on dialysis may receive blood-thinning medications to prevent clotting. But this can pose problems during dental surgeries and make getting dental work more dangerous.


Diabetes is another medical condition that can wreak havoc on our smiles and general dental health. Diabetics are 3 to 4 times more likely to develop periodontal disease in their lifetimes. Periodontal disease is when various bacteria severely infect the gum tissue.

Diabetes, especially when undetected, can cause persistent bad breath resulting in low self-confidence.

If you have diabetes and notice that your gums are red, swollen, and sore to the touch, inform your dentist in Milton Keynes right away. They will schedule an emergency check up to see if you have gum disease. Should you, in fact, have periodontal disease, your dentist will create a treatment plan with your kidney disease in mind. In most cases, complex surgeries will be avoided as much as possible, and certainly when the patient is on dialysis.

High blood pressure

High blood pressure and related cardiovascular diseases have a strong connection with periodontal disease. When the gum tissue is inflamed, the blood vessels thicken and are filled with plaque, effectively decreasing your blood flow.

A decreased blood flow, along with high blood pressure, dramatically increases your risk of heart attack and stroke.

If you have any medical conditions, tell your dentist at your check-up so your medical records can be updated. Armoured with your complete medical history, your dentist can make informed decisions about your future treatment plans as well as look for any developing issues. 

Guest Post by Susan Louisa

Selfly- The phone case drone


Selfly is a phone case that works as a drone. Precisely, the 8-megapixel selfie drone is piloted with one’s phone and works as an extension for the phone camera. The Detachable Flying Camera has been designed for aerial self-portraits and can be controlled via Wi-Fi. Selfly captures high-resolution photographs and full HD video at 30fps and sends them directly to the device for sharing.

Founder and CEO, Dr. Hagay Klein quoted that the app will have onscreen control sticks as well as automatic piloting options to get specific shots. The app is developed as an open source so that others can also develop for it.

Whoa! Now you can get all your favorite captures without many hassles. The chic device is affordable and can fit elegantly in your pocket. Let us give you few more reasons to embrace the comfy device in your pocket:

Drones are not made to carry around
Selfly is a phone-case

Drones are complicated to fly
Selfly actually flies itself, you don’t need to fly it!

All smart drones cost 500$+
Selfly, by utilizing the cell-phone processor hits 100$

selfly phone drone
Get your hands on the smart device and tempt people to do the talking. But before that let us roll you through some epic features and specifications of the gadget:

– Folds into a 10mm thin phone case
– 13 MP camera, 1080p/60fps
– Fits every 4-6” smartphone
– Replaceable battery
– Compatible with both Android and iOS
– Wi-Fi controlled
– 1st pilot view
– Autonomous hovering

9 amazing reasons why it’s awesome to have a Bengali guy friend


Your female friends might disagree to your opinions, spill beans behind your back, puke out your dark secrets and deny helping with assignments. But in contrast, a guy friend would stand all your useless tantrums, lock your secrets safe in their hearts, listen to all your boyfriend problems, help in assignments and in fact do everything that a girl friend will definitely disagree. And cherry in the cake is when your guy-friend is Bengali and you have amazing stuffs to explore about him.


      They are generally the out spoken people with their tongue is as sweet as Rossogulla and Misti doi. They are friendly people and you will be left with no silly reason to not love their company. You will rarely find them engaging in any controversial activity and they profoundly preach non-violence.


      You will always feel safe in his company. Although he isn’t muscular like the Punjabi guy, he will always protect you from every street whistles and ‘wo dekh maal jaa rahi hai’ eyes.


      They are the extreme music freak taking interest in various genres. And whoa! Your bong guide is always by your side to help you in updating your playlist with fresh tracks.


      They are the universally Bhai zoned class and their ‘dada’ factor will forever amuse you with their caring attitude. They will defend every obstacle standing your way.


      In other days, he is just the plain simple guy chomping with Nutella all over his face but his pataka look during festivals, aaye haaye will leave you droll your eyes in wonder. He will bet your hunky boyfriend in terms of classiness with his traditional features.


      They are generally the intelligent class compared to rest of your circle. With him by your side, you will never have to worry about bulky assignments and deadlines ever again.


      They are lazy people which actually make your life easier. Unlike your impatient boyfriend, you can get ready for a party without any 50 messages and 100 calls with him. The Indian tradition of always getting late and the logic behind one minute equals one hour can be equally be applied with him


      They have been taught to respect women and treat them with courtesy since childhood. They are highly cultured and would acquaint you to every values and tradition whenever you step the wrong route.

    9. FOODIE:

      Bongs are great foodies as well as master chefs of their kitchen. You will be introduced to different relishing delicacies and styles of cooking by him. Befriend his mom so that you can invite yourself for a sumptuous dinner with illish maas’ r sorsori.

Let us know your views about this article in the comment section below.

The Sunshine Blogger Award- 2018




The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those bloggers who are creative, optimistic, and inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community. And, Yass…!!! This is my first nomination to Sunshine Bloggers Award.

Oh, won’t it be rude if I do not offer my gratitude to my nominator?

So, thank you so much, Rahul, the man behind this mesmerizing travel blog, Inside Out with Rahul Yuvi. This is truly overwhelming.

But before rolling over my 11 super-duper answers asked by my fellow blogger, why not brush through the rules once?

  1. Thank the Blogger who nominated you in the blog post add their link in your post.
  2. Answer the 11 questions which your nominator asked you.
  3. Nominate up to 11 new bloggers for the award and write them 11 new questions for the same.
  4. Let your nominees know that they have been nominated.
  5. List the rules and add the Sunshine Blogger Award in your post.

And, here goes my answers:

Q.1 Why exactly did you took to blogging?

Ans- During my school days, I was inclined toward my grammar classes more than the other subjects. There are also instances when I failed to score even the minimum marks in the other subjects while scoring full marks in dictation and grammar.

Gradually, I started scribbling my life events in the form of poetries and stories, adding fictional elements of interest. With time and introduction to numerous blogs, I decided to store my mind in the virtual world of words.

Q.2 How has blogging changed you as an individual?

Ans– Blogging enhanced my writing style. It introduced me to numerous methods, use of proper punctuations, grammar, and so on. But more importantly, it helped dispatch my thoughts to the world.

Q.3 Name 1 blogger in your friend circle who you think has got best writing skills?

Ans– I do not have a friend whom I can consider a good blogger. But there are many great content writers in my circle.

Q.4 Do you plan to earn through your blogs in near future? If yes, then what are best strategies that you gonna deploy for your subject plan to be successful?

Ans– I am already earning. However, further strategies would include maintaining my consistency in writing every day and give my viewers better content to keep them engaged.

Q.5 How do you keep yourself motivated for writing at the time when the traffic at your blog is really low?

Ans– That’s where the real game lies. There are times when my blog’s traffic goes extremely down. But I never get disappointed during those times. Self-motivation is the key.

Q.6 What according to you is best and why – a blog should be unilateral (say exclusively Travel or exclusively Food) or it should be flexible with multi – categories?

Ans– Depends on the blogger/writer whether he/she wants to keep it exclusive or be open to numerous categories.

Q.7 What is average monthly traffic on your blog? How do you plan to increase the same?

Ans– It keeps fluctuating. I don’t want to share it right now. ?

Q.8 Tell a little about who you exactly are (150 words max.)


-Sometimes sane, mostly in my dilapidated mind, wondering about things that barely matters.

-A caffeine craver who wants her coffee and husband, hot.

– A procrastinator who has mastered the subject

– A layman artist who hates perfection

Q.9 How would you rate my Blog “Inside Out with Rahul Yuvi ” on a scale on 10? Mention a few words in support of your ratings.

Ans– 7.5. Noticed few grammatical errors and unnecessary lengthy sentences. But you have a long way to go. My best wishes for your further endeavors, dear blogger.

Q.10 Do you plan to quit the job and take to full-time blogging? If Yes, then what are your survival plans? If No, then why not?

Ans– I am already a full-time blogger. The initial days were brimmed with hopelessness and totally zero motivation. I was afraid to speak my mind. Precisely, was afraid of being judged by the world.

Over time, I learned how to handle things with patience and importantly, how to face criticisms. So now, it’s all about jumping into the ocean and search for treasures (without getting drowned of course).

Q.11 Name 3 best bloggers  (mention link to their blogs) that you have come across so far.

Ans– I am yet to discover those three. But I really enjoy reading Living Foodz’s articles.

And here, I nominate 11 other bloggers whose works are indeed worth reading.

  1. Style Rug
  2. Travel Food Fitness
  3. B.E. Style
  4. Brave Girl Spirit
  5. Travel my Nation
  6. Alive Shadow
  7. My Cooking Canvas
  8. Desi Travelers
  9. The Urban Minstrels
  10. Super Mom
  11. Memsahib In India

Congratulations to all the nominees

Please Refer to the Rules  mentioned above once again before proceeding

Here are your questions:

  1. Why do you blog?
  2. What strategies do you implement to increase your blog’s visibility to your audience?
  3. What is important- good content or lengthy content/long post?
  4. Favorite blog post you’ve ever written
  5. Have you collaborated with any brand yet? If not, who would you like to have on board with you?
  6. What are you good at? Mention at least three characteristics
  7. How often do you update your blog?
  8. Who do you look up to as an inspiration? (Can mention blogger, friend, acquaintance, website, or anything)
  9. Which social media is best to boost your blog according to you?
  10. What is your biggest regret from life?
  11. How will you describe my blog (in a sentence or two)?

I look forward to reading all of my nominee’s posts.

Until next time,

Be my friend?

Just DM or follow, I shall revert.

